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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1141 전자책 It happened in Northern California : stories of events and people that shaped Golden State history / 미리보기
Turner, Erin H. 2022 URL
1142 전자책 It happened in Southern California : stories of events and people that shaped Golden State history / 미리보기
Sullivan, Noelle 2022 URL
1143 전자책 It is impossible to remain silent : reflections on fate and memory in Buchenwald / 미리보기
Sempru?n, Jorge Indiana University Press, published in association with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 2020 URL
1144 전자책 It's Raining and I'm Okay [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Devine, Adele. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 URL
1145 전자책 It's a boy! / 미리보기
Richmond, Marianne Sourcebooks 2014 URL
1146 전자책 It's a drag : cross-dressing in performance / 미리보기
Tennant, Janet 2022 URL
1147 전자책 It's a setup : fathering from the social and economic margins / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Black, Timothy 2021 URL
1148 전자책 It's debatable! : using socioscientific issues to develop scientific literacy, K-12 / 미리보기
Zeidler, Dana L. 2014 URL
1149 전자책 It's not complicated : the art and science of complexity for business / 미리보기
Nason, Rick 2017 URL
1150 전자책 It's not just the economy, stupid! Trade competitiveness in the 21st century / 미리보기
Jackson, Sarita D. 2016 URL
1151 전자책 It's not like I'm poor : how working families make ends meet in a post-welfare world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Halpern-Meekin, Sarah 2014 URL
1152 전자책 It's not your fault! : strategies for solving toilet training and bedwetting problems / 미리보기
Barone, Joseph Rutgers University Press 2015 URL
1153 전자책 It's the mission, not the mandates : defining the purpose of public education / 미리보기
Fast, Amy 2016 URL
1154 전자책 It's the way you say it : becoming articulate, well-spoken, and clear / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Fleming, Carol A. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2013 URL
1155 전자책 It's time for strategic scheduling : how to design smarter K-12 schedules that are great for students, staff, and the budget / 미리보기
Levenson, Nathan 2023 URL
1156 전자책 Italian cinema audiences : histories and memories of cinemagoing in post-war Italy / 미리보기
Treveri Gennari, Daniela 2021 URL
1157 전자책 Italian crafts : inspirations from folk art / 미리보기
D'Amato, Janet. 2014 URL
1158 전자책 Italian ecocinema beyond the human / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Past, Elena Indiana University Press 2019 URL
1159 전자책 Italian women writers : gender and everyday life in fiction and journalism, 1870-1910 / 미리보기
Mitchell, Katherine 2014 URL
1160 전자책 Italo Calvino : letters, 1941-1985 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Calvino, Italo. 2013 URL
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