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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1121 전자책 Islandology : geography, rhetoric, politics / 미리보기
Shell, Marc 2014 URL
1122 전자책 Islands of Order : a Guide to Complexity Modeling for the Social Sciences / 미리보기
Lansing, J. Stephen. Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1123 전자책 Islands of Order : a Guide to Complexity Modeling for the Social Sciences / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lansing, J. Stephen. Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1124 전자책 Isles of amnesia : the history, geography, and restoration of America's forgotten Pacific Islands / 미리보기
Rauzon, Mark J. University of Hawai軻i Press 2016 URL
1125 전자책 Isolate or engage : adversarial states, US foreign policy, and public diplomacy / 미리보기
Wiseman, Geoffrey 2015 URL
1126 전자책 Isomorphic JavaScript web development : universal JavaScript with React and Node / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Alabes, Tomas Packt Publishing 2017 URL
1127 전자책 Israel and the world economy : the power of globalization / 미리보기
Razin, Assaf The MIT Press 2018 URL
1128 전자책 Israel from the outside and inside : Israeli politics and "alien" media / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Strovsky, Dmitry Davidovitch, Nitza Lev黔in, Eyal Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
1129 전자책 Israel has moved [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Pinto, Diana. Harvard University Press 2013 URL
1130 전자책 Israel in the making : stickers, stitches, and other critical practices / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Salamon, Hagar Indiana University Press 2017 URL
1131 전자책 Israel under siege : the politics of insecurity and the rise of the Israeli neo-revisionist right / 미리보기
Del Sarto, Raffaella A. 2017 URL
1132 전자책 Israel vs. Iran : the shadow war / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Katz, Yaakov Potomac Books 2012 URL
1133 전자책 Israeli Bourekas films : their origins and legacy / 미리보기
Kimchi, Rami 2023 URL
1134 전자책 Israeli foreign policy : a people shall not dwell alone / 미리보기
Bialer, Uri Indiana University Press 2020 URL
1135 전자책 Issue evolution : race and the transformation of American politics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carmines, Edward G. Princeton University Press 1989 URL
1136 전자책 Issues and trends in nursing : practice, policy, and leadership / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Roux, Gayle M. Halstead, Judith A. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2018 URL
1137 전자책 Issues in returning individual results from genome research using population-based banked specimens, with a focus on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey : workshop summary / 미리보기
Workshop on Guidelines for Returning Individual Results From Genome Research Using Population-Based Banked Specimens. author (2014 : Washington, D.C 2014 URL
1138 전자책 It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good 미리보기
Santorum, Rick. 2014 URL
1139 전자책 It happened in Connecticut : stories of events and people that shaped Nutmeg State history / 미리보기
McCain, Diana Ross 2023 URL
1140 전자책 It happened in New Mexico : stories of events and people that shaped the Land of Enchantment / 미리보기
Crutchfield, James A. 2023 URL
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