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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1061 전자책 Invitation to Oceanography [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Pinet, Paul R. Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC 2019 URL
1062 전자책 Invitation to the Psychology of Religion, Third Edition 미리보기
Paloutzian, Raymond F. Guilford Publications 2016 URL
1063 전자책 Inward Turn of Narrative [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Kahler, Erich Princeton University Press 2017 URL
1064 전자책 IoT Technologies in Smart Cities : From sensors to big data, security and trust / [electronic resource] 미리보기
AI-Turjman, Fadi Imran, Muhammad IET 2020 URL
1065 전자책 IoT architectures, models, and platforms for smart city applications / 미리보기
Chowdhry, Bhawani Shankar Shaikh, Faisal Karim Mahoto, Naeem Ahmed IGI Global, Engineering Science Reference 2020 URL
1066 전자책 IoT penetration testing cookbook : identify vulnerabilities and secure your smart devices / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Guzman, Aaron Packt Publishing 2017 URL
1067 전자책 Iran Divided : The historical Roots of Iranian Debates on Identity, Culture, and Governance in the Twenty-First Century / 미리보기
Hunter, Shireen 2014 URL
1068 전자책 Iran and the United States : an insider's view on the failed past and the road to peace / 미리보기
Mousavian, Seyed Hossein Bloomsbury Academic 2014 URL
1069 전자책 Iran rising : the survival and future of the Islamic Republic / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Saikal, Amin Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1070 전자책 Iranian-Russian Encounters : Empires and Revolutions since 1800 [electronic resource] 미리보기
Cronin, Stephanie. Taylor and Francis 2012 URL
1071 전자책 Iraq : a political history / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dawisha, A. I. Princeton University Press 2013 URL
1072 전자책 Iris Murdoch connected : critical essays on her fiction and philosophy / 미리보기
Luprecht, Mark 2014 URL
1073 전자책 Iris and periocular biometric recognition / 미리보기
Rathgeb, Christian. The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2017 URL
1074 전자책 Ironies of Faith: The Laughter at the Heart of Christian Literature 미리보기
Esolen, Anthony. 2014 URL
1075 전자책 Irony and sarcasm / 미리보기
Kreuz, Roger J. The MIT Press 2019 URL
1076 전자책 Irrational music [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Sharp, Elliott. Terra Nova Press 2020 URL
1077 전자책 Irrational music [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Sharp, Elliott. Terra Nova Press 2020 URL
1078 전자책 Irrationality : a history of the dark side of reason / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Smith, Justin E. H. Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1079 전자책 Is Einstein still right? : [black holes, gravitational waves, and the quest to verify Einstein's greatest creation] / 미리보기
Will, Clifford M. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
1080 전자책 Is Einstein still right? : [black holes, gravitational waves, and the quest to verify Einstein's greatest creation] / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Will, Clifford M. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
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