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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1041 전자책 Investigating hypnosis and trances [electronic resource] . 미리보기
Rajczak Nelson, Kristen Britannica Digital Learning : Made available through hoopla 2016 URL
1042 전자책 Investigating magic [electronic resource] . 미리보기
Horsley, Kathryn Britannica Digital Learning : Made available through hoopla 2016 URL
1043 전자책 Investigating miracles [electronic resource] . 미리보기
Steinberg, Lewis M. Britannica Digital Learning : Made available through hoopla 2016 URL
1044 전자책 Investigating the Psychological World : Scientific Method in the Behavioral Sciences / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Haig, Brian D. A Bradford Book 2014 URL
1045 전자책 Investigative journalism in China : journalism, power, and society / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tong, Jingrong. Continuum 2011 URL
1046 전자책 Investing in global health systems : sustaining gains, transforming lives / 미리보기
Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Investing in Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries 2014 URL
1047 전자책 Investing in resilient infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico : proceedings of a workshop / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lowenthal, Micah Mohres, Erin 2022 URL
1048 전자책 Investing in young children for peaceful societies : proceedings of a joint workshop by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, UNICEF, and the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialugue (KAICIID) / 미리보기
Widmer, Jocelyn the National Academies Press 2016 URL
1049 전자책 Investor oriented corporate social responsibility reporting / 미리보기
Jagd, Jane Thostrup. Routledge 2015 URL
1050 전자책 Investors and exploiters in ecology and economics : principles and applications / 미리보기
Giraldeau, Luc-Alain Heeb, Philipp Kosfeld, Michael MIT Press 2017 URL
1051 전자책 Invisible Asians : Korean American adoptees, Asian American experiences, and racial exceptionalism / 미리보기
Park Nelson, Kim. 2016 URL
1052 전자책 Invisible Giants 미리보기
Levin, Lindsay. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2016 URL
1053 전자책 Invisible chains : overcoming coercive control in your intimate relationship / 미리보기
Fontes, Lisa Aronson. 2015 URL
1054 전자책 Invisible families : gay identities, relationships, and motherhood among Black women / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Moore, Mignon R. University of California Press 2011 URL
1055 전자책 Invisible game : the secrets and the science of winning minds and winning deals / 미리보기
Mueller, Kai-Markus John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2022 URL
1056 전자책 Invisible in the storm : the role of mathematics in understanding weather / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Roulstone, Ian. Princeton University Press 2013 URL
1057 전자책 Invisible labor : hidden work in the contemporary world / 미리보기
Crain, Marion G. Poster, Winifred Cherry, Miriam A. 2016 URL
1058 전자책 Invisible light : the remarkable story of radiology / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Thomas, Adrian 2022 URL
1059 전자책 Invisible users : youth in the Internet cafe?s of urban Ghana / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Burrell, Jenna MIT Press 2012 URL
1060 전자책 Invisible victims : homelessness and the growing security gap / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Huey, Laura. University of Toronto Press 2012 URL
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