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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1021 전자책 Introduction to water in California / 미리보기
Carle, David 2016 URL
1022 전자책 Introduction to web mapping / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dorman, Michael 2020 URL
1023 전자책 Introductory econometrics : intuition, proof, and practice / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Zax, Jeffrey S. Stanford Economics and Finance 2011 URL
1024 전자책 Introductory financial accounting and reporting [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Smith, Barry P. McGraw-Hill : Open University Press 2010 URL
1025 전자책 Intuitive Acupuncture / 미리보기
Hamwee, John 2015 URL
1026 전자책 Inventing Africa : history, archaeology and ideas / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Derricourt, Robin M. Pluto Press. 2011 URL
1027 전자책 Inventing Socrates / 미리보기
Hollingworth, Miles 2015 URL
1028 전자책 Inventing atmospheric science : Bjerknes, Rossby, Wexler, and the foundations of modern meteorology / 미리보기
Fleming, James Rodger MIT Press 2016 URL
1029 전자책 Inventing baby food : taste, health, and the industrialization of the American diet / 미리보기
Bentley, Amy 2014 URL
1030 전자책 Inventing modern adolescence : the children of immigrants in turn-of-the-century America / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Chinn, Sarah E. Rutgers University Press 2009 URL
1031 전자책 Inventing the mathematician : gender, race, and our cultural understanding of mathematics / 미리보기
Hottinger, Sara N. State University of New York Press 2016 URL
1032 전자책 Inventing the performing arts : modernity and tradition in colonial Indonesia / 미리보기
Cohen, Matthew Isaac University of Hawai軻i Press 2016 URL
1033 전자책 Inventing the recording : the phonograph and national culture in Spain, 1877-1914 / 미리보기
Moreda Rodri?guez, Eva Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1034 전자책 Inventing the recording : the phonograph and national culture in Spain, 1877-1914 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Moreda Rodri?guez, Eva Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1035 전자책 Inventing transgender children and young people / 미리보기
Moore, Michele Brunskell-Evans, Heather Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
1036 전자책 Inventive minds : Marvin Minsky on education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Minsky, Marvin MIT Press 2019 URL
1037 전자책 Investigating Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and other cryptids / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Niver, Heather Moore Britannica Educational Publishing, in association with Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. 2016 URL
1038 전자책 Investigating ESP and other parapsychological phenomena [electronic resource] . 미리보기
Nagle, Jeanne Britannica Digital Learning : Made available through hoopla 2016 URL
1039 전자책 Investigating angels and demons [electronic resource] . 미리보기
Weiner, Danielle Britannica Digital Learning : Made available through hoopla 2016 URL
1040 전자책 Investigating cyber law and cyber ethics : issues, impacts and practices / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dudley, Alfreda Braman, James Vincenti, Giovanni Information Science Reference 2012 URL
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