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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : I]
1,315건 중 1315건 출력
41/66 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
801 전자책 Interdisciplinary conversations : challenging habits of thought / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Strober, Myra H. Stanford University Press 2011 URL
802 전자책 Interdisciplinary digital preservation tools and technologies / 미리보기
Ashraf, Tariq Kumar, Naresh IGI Global 2017 URL
803 전자책 Interdisciplinary perspectives on Vietnamese linguistics / 미리보기
Duffield, Nigel Phan, Trang Trinh, Tue Cao, Xua?n Ha黔o John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 URL
804 전자책 Interdisciplinary perspectives on Vietnamese linguistics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Duffield, Nigel Phan, Trang Trinh, Tue Cao, Xua?n Ha黔o John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 URL
805 전자책 Interdiscursive readings in cultural consumer research / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rossolatos, George Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 URL
806 전자책 Interest groups and health care reform across the United States [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Gray, Virginia Georgetown University Press 2013 URL
807 전자책 Interest rate models : an introduction / 미리보기
Cairns, Andrew Princeton University Press 2018 URL
808 전자책 Interface / 미리보기
Hookway, Branden. 2014 URL
809 전자책 Interface fantasy : a Lacanian cyborg ontology / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Nusselder, Andre?. MIT Press 2009 URL
810 전자책 Interfaces on trial 2.0 [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Band, Jonathan. MIT Press 2011 URL
811 전자책 Intergenerational contact zones : place-based strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kaplan, Matt Thang, Leng Leng Hoffman, Jacobus Retief Sa?nchez Marti?nez, Mariano 2020 URL
812 전자책 Intergenerational education for adolescents towards liveable futures / 미리보기
Page, Kathryn Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
813 전자책 Intergenerational poverty and mobility among Native Americans in the United States : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
Forstag, Erin Hammers 2023 URL
814 전자책 Interim report on 21st century cyber-physical systems education / 미리보기
Committee on 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education 2015 URL
815 전자책 Interim report on the second triennial review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative / 미리보기
National Nanotechnology Initiative (U.S.). Committee on Triennial Review National Research Council (U.S.). National Materials and Manufacturing Boar 2013 URL
816 전자책 Interior urbanism : architecture, John Portman and downtown America / 미리보기
Rice, Charles. 2016 URL
817 전자책 Interlanguage : forty years later / 미리보기
Han, Zhaohong Tarone, Elaine 2014 URL
818 전자책 Intermediate public economics [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Hindriks, Jean. MIT Press 2013 URL
819 전자책 Internal auditing : an integrated approach / 미리보기
Cascarino, Richard 2015 URL
820 전자책 Internal communications : a manual for practitioners / 미리보기
FitzPatrick, Liam. 2014 URL
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