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검색어[가나다ABC : I]
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
461 전자책 Indigenous African knowledge production : food-processing practices among Kenyan rural women / 미리보기
Wane, Njoki Nathani 2014 URL
462 전자책 Indigenous communalism : belonging, healthy communities, and decolonizing the collective / 미리보기
Smith-Morris, Carolyn Rutgers University Press 2019 URL
463 전자책 Indigenous dispossession : housing and Maya indebtedness in Mexico / 미리보기
Castellanos, Mari?a Bianet Stanford University Press 2021 URL
464 전자책 Indigenous dispossession : housing and Maya indebtedness in Mexico / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Castellanos, Mari?a Bianet Stanford University Press 2021 URL
465 전자책 Indigenous identity, human rights and the environment in Myanmar : local engagement with global rights discourses / 미리보기
Liljeblad, Jonathan Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group 2023 URL
466 전자책 Indigenous language acquisition, maintenance, and loss and current language policies / 미리보기
Okamura, Toru Kai, Masumi Information Science Reference 2020 URL
467 전자책 Indigenous pathways into social research : voices of a new generation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mertens, Donna M. Cram, Fiona. Chilisa, Bagele. Left Coast Press 2013 URL
468 전자책 Indigenous writes : a guide to First Nations, Me?tis & Inuit issues in Canada / 미리보기
Vowel, Chelsea 2016 URL
469 전자책 Indirect care handbook for advanced nursing roles : beyond the bedside / 미리보기
Zuzelo, Patti Rager Jones & Bartlett Learning 2020 URL
470 전자책 Indispensable and other myths : why the CEO pay experiment failed and how to fix it / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dorff, Michael University of California Press 2014 URL
471 전자책 Individuality and Entanglement [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Gintis, Herbert. Princeton University Press 2016 URL
472 전자책 Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors : Designing Positive Behavior Plans [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bambara, Linda M. Guilford Publications 2021 URL
473 전자책 Individualized Supports for Students with Problem Behaviors : Designing Positive Behavior Plans [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bambara, Linda M. Guilford Publications 2021 URL
474 전자책 Individualizing learning with technology : meeting the needs of high school students / 미리보기
Bernat, Christine Elizabeth. 2014 URL
475 전자책 Indonesia : archipelago of fear / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Vltchek, Andre. Pluto Press 2012 URL
476 전자책 Indonesian women in a changing society [전자책] 미리보기
Edited by Kristi Poerwandari Ewha Womans University Press : 이화여자대학교출판부 2017 URL
477 전자책 Indoor exposure to fine particulate matter and practical mitigation approaches : proceedings of a workshop / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academy of Engineering 2022 URL
478 전자책 Indra's net and the Midas touch : living sustainably in a connected world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Thiele, Leslie Paul. MIT Press 2011 URL
479 전자책 Industrial dynamics, innovation policy, and economic growth through technological advancements [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Yetkiner, I?. Hakan. Pamukcu, M. Teoman Erdil, Erkan IGI Global (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 17033, USA) 2013 URL
480 전자책 Industrial power systems : evolutionary aspects / 미리보기
Sil, Amitava CRC Press 2022 URL
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