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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
421 전자책 Inclusive theory and practice in special education / 미리보기
Van Rensburg, Henriette O'Neill, Shirley Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global 2020 URL
422 전자책 Inclusivity and indigeneity in education for sustainable development / 미리보기
Behera, Santosh Kumar Ibrahim, Atyaf Hasan Romdhani, Faten IGI Global 2024 URL
423 전자책 Inconsistencies / 미리보기
Steinweg, Marcus The MIT Press 2017 URL
424 전자책 Incorporating LGBTQ+ identities in K-12 curriculum and policy / 미리보기
Sanders, April Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global 2020 URL
425 전자책 Incorporating texts into institutional ethnographies / 미리보기
Smith, Dorothy E. Turner, Susan Marie 2014 URL
426 전자책 Incorporating weight management and physical activity throughout the cancer care continuum : proceedings of a workshop/ 미리보기
Balogh, Erin National Academies Press 2018 URL
427 전자책 Incorruptible bodies : Christology, society, and authority in late antiquity / 미리보기
Moss, Yonatan University of California Press 2016 URL
428 전자책 Increasing IVF success with acupuncture : an integrated approach / 미리보기
Dalton-Brewer, Nick. Singing Dragon/Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2014 URL
429 전자책 Increasing Language Skills of Students from Low-Income Backgrounds : Practical Strategies for Professionals / 미리보기
Roseberry-McKibbin, Celeste 2013 URL
430 전자책 Indebted : How Families Make College Work at Any Cost [electronic resource] 미리보기
Zaloom, Caitlin. Princeton University Press 2021 URL
431 전자책 Indefinite : doing time in jail / 미리보기
Walker, Michael L. 2022 URL
432 전자책 Indefinite objects : scrambling, choice functions, and differential marking / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lo?pez, Luis MIT Press 2012 URL
433 전자책 Indentured students : how government-guaranteed loans left generations drowning in college debt / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Shermer, Elizabeth Tandy 2021 URL
434 전자책 Independence, social, and study strategies for young adults with autism spectrum disorder : the BASICS college curriculum / 미리보기
Rigler, Michelle 2015 URL
435 전자책 Independent filmmaking around the globe / 미리보기
Erickson, Mary Baltruschat, Doris 2015 URL
436 전자책 Independent mental health advocacy : the right to be heard, context, values and good practice / 미리보기
Newbigging, Karen. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2015 URL
437 전자책 Independent practice for the mental health professional : growing a private practice for the 21st century / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Earle, Ralph Brunner/Mazel, Taylor and Francis 2013 URL
438 전자책 India China : rethinking borders and security / 미리보기
Ling, L. H. M. University of Michigan Press 2016 URL
439 전자책 India and the South Asian strategic triangle [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Kapur, Ashok. Routledge 2011 URL
440 전자책 India is broken : a people betrayed, independence to today / 미리보기
Mody, Ashoka 2023 URL
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