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검색어[가나다ABC : I]
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자책 (iFlash) 토익영단어 900 : 초급 Biginning [전자책]. B3 미리보기
마크 강 지음 블루프린트 2013 URL
22 전자책 I Alone Can Fix It : Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year / [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Leonnig, Carol D. Bloomsbury 2021 URL
23 전자책 I Am : Remix Your Web Identity 미리보기
Sordi, Paolo. Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2015 URL
24 전자책 I Can Beat Anorexia! : Finding the Motivation, Confidence and Skills to Recover and Avoid Relapse 미리보기
Davies, Nicola. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 URL
25 전자책 I Can't Do Maths! : Why Children Say It and How to Make a Difference [electronic resource] 미리보기
Coles, Alf Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2022 URL
26 전자책 I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby : Dorothy Fields and Her Life in the American Musical Theater [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pressley, Kristin Stultz. Applause 2021 URL
27 전자책 I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby : Dorothy Fields and Her Life in the American Musical Theater [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pressley, Kristin Stultz. Applause 2021 URL
28 전자책 I Hate the Lake District [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Gere, Charlie. Goldsmiths, University London 2019 URL
29 전자책 I Will Die On This Hill : Autistic Adults, Autism Parents, and the Children Who Deserve a Better World / 미리보기
Ashburn, Meghan. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2023 URL
30 전자책 I am an Aspie Girl : a book for young girls with autism spectrum conditions 미리보기
Bulhak-Paterson, Danuta. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2015 URL
31 전자책 I can beat obesity! : finding the motivation, confidence and skills to lose weight and avoid relapse / 미리보기
Davies, Nicola 2017 URL
32 전자책 I could not believe it : the 1979 teenage diaries of Sean DeLear / 미리보기
DeLear, Sean 2023 URL
33 전자책 I did it to save my life : love and survival in Sierra Leone / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bolten, Catherine E. University of California Press 2012 URL
34 전자책 I don't need an acting class / 미리보기
Justice, Milton 2021 URL
35 전자책 I dream of dragons [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Chase, Ashlyn Sourcebooks Casablanca 2016 URL
36 전자책 I fought a good fight : a history of the Lipan Apaches / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Robinson, Sherry. University of North Texas Press 2013 URL
37 전자책 I got my dream job and so can you : 7 steps to creating your ideal career after college / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Leibman, Pete AMACOM American Management Association 2012 URL
38 전자책 I have landed : the end of a beginning in natural history / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gould, Stephen Jay. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2011 URL
39 전자책 I hear you : repair communication breakdowns, negotiate successfully, and build consensus... in three simple steps / 미리보기
Ebenstein, Donny. 2013 URL
40 전자책 I know what I saw / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mahmood, Imran. 2021 URL
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