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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
181 전자책 Handbook of Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration 미리보기
Castellani, Rudy J. IOS Press : IOS Press 2020 URL
182 전자책 Handbook of Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Castellani, Rudy J. IOS Press : IOS Press 2020 URL
183 전자책 Handbook of ambient assisted living : technology for healthcare, rehabilitation and well-being / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Augusto, Juan Carlos. IOS Press 2012 URL
184 전자책 Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders 미리보기
Antony, Martin M. Guilford Publications 2020 URL
185 전자책 Handbook of assessment and treatment planning for psychological disorders. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Antony, Martin M. Guilford Publications 2020 URL
186 전자책 Handbook of attachment : theory, research, and clinical applications / 미리보기
Cassidy, Jude. Shaver, Phillip R. Guilford Press 2016 URL
187 전자책 Handbook of attachment-based interventions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Steele, Howard Steele, Miriam Guilford Press 2018 URL
188 전자책 Handbook of automated essay evaluation : current applications and new directions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Shermis, Mark D. Burstein, Jill. Taylor and Francis 2013 URL
189 전자책 Handbook of benign hematology / 미리보기
Mims, Martha Pritchett Miller-Chism, Courtney Sosa, Iberia Romina Demos Medical Publishing 2020 URL
190 전자책 Handbook of cancer survivorship care / 미리보기
Rodriguez, Maria Alma Foxhall, Lewis E. Demos Medical Publishing is an imprint of Springer Publishing Company 2019 URL
191 전자책 Handbook of central auditory processing disorder. Volume II, Comprehensive intervention / 미리보기
Chermak, Gail D. Musiek, Frank E. 2014 URL
192 전자책 Handbook of child and adolescent aggression / 미리보기
Malti, Tina Rubin, Kenneth H. The Guilford Press 2018 URL
193 전자책 Handbook of child language disorders [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Schwartz, Richard G. Psychology Press 2009 URL
194 전자책 Handbook of clinical issues in couple therapy [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Wetchler, Joseph L. Routledge 2011 URL
195 전자책 Handbook of clinical nursing. [electronic resource] Critical and emergency care nursing / 미리보기
Hickman, Ronald Alfes, Celeste M. Fitzpatrick, Joyce J. Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2018 URL
196 전자책 Handbook of clinical nursing. [electronic resource] Medical-surgical nursing / 미리보기
Hickman, Ronald Alfes, Celeste M. Fitzpatrick, Joyce J. Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2018 URL
197 전자책 Handbook of clinical nursing. [electronic resource] Pediatric and neonatal nursing / 미리보기
Alfes, Celeste M. Hickman, Ronald Fitzpatrick, Joyce J. Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2018 URL
198 전자책 Handbook of cognitive-behavioral therapies [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Dobson, Keith S. Guilford Press 2019 URL
199 전자책 Handbook of competence and motivation : theory and application / 미리보기
Elliot, Andrew J. Dweck, Carol S. Yeager, David S. 2017 URL
200 전자책 Handbook of correctional mental health [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Scott, Charles L. American Psychiatric Pub. 2010 URL
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