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검색어[가나다ABC : G]
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161 전자책 Gender and Violence in Haiti : Women's Path from Victims to Agents [electronic resource] 미리보기
Faedi Duramy, Benedetta. Rutgers University Press 2014 URL
162 전자책 Gender and food : a critical look at the food system / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Koch, Shelley L. Rowman & Littlefield 2019 URL
163 전자책 Gender and gentrification / 미리보기
Curran, Winifred Routledge 2018 URL
164 전자책 Gender and language in Sub-Saharan Africa : Tradition, struggle and change / 미리보기
Atanga, Lilian Lem Ellece, Sibonile Litosseliti, Lia Sunderland, Jane 2013 URL
165 전자책 Gender and literacy : a handbook for educators and parents / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Krasny, Karen Praeger 2013 URL
166 전자책 Gender and nation building in the Middle East : the political economy of health from Mandate Palestine to refugee camps in Jordan / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Young, Elise G. I.B. Tauris 2012 URL
167 전자책 Gender and popular culture : identity constructions and representations / 미리보기
Tiwari, Kusha Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
168 전자책 Gender and social computing : interactions, differences, and relationships / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Romm-Livermore, Celia Information Science Reference 2012 URL
169 전자책 Gender and society in Turkey : the impact of neoliberal policies, political Islam and EU accession / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dedeog?lu, Saniye. Elveren, Adem Y. Elveren, Adem Yavuz. I.B.Tauris 2012 URL
170 전자책 Gender and violence in Islamic societies : patriarchy, Islamism and politics in the Middle East and North Africa / 미리보기
Salhi, Zahia Smail 2013 URL
171 전자책 Gender equity in elementary schools : a road map for learning and positive change / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Venditto, Dorothy Chiffriller 2020 URL
172 전자책 Gender equity in the medical profession : emerging research and opportunities / 미리보기
Bellini, Maria Irene Papalois, Vassilios E. IGI Global 2020 URL
173 전자책 Gender in the political science classroom / 미리보기
Staudinger, Alison Kathryn Levintova, Ekaterina M. Indiana University Press 2018 URL
174 전자책 Gender is really strange / 미리보기
Goetz, Teddy G. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2023 URL
175 전자책 Gender issues, sex offenses, and criminal justice : current trends / 미리보기
Chaneles, Sol 2013 URL
176 전자책 Gender violence : resistance, resilience, and autonomy / 미리보기
Burrow, Sylvia Jane 2022 URL
177 전자책 Gender(s) / 미리보기
Stockton, Kathryn Bond The MIT Press 2021 URL
178 전자책 Gender(s) / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Stockton, Kathryn Bond The MIT Press 2021 URL
179 전자책 Gender, Families and Transmission in the Contemporary Jewish Context. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gross, Martine. Cambridge Scholars Publishing : Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2017 URL
180 전자책 Gender, justice, and the problem of culture : from customary law to human rights in Tanzania / 미리보기
Hodgson, Dorothy Louise Indiana University Press 2017 URL
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