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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1001 전자책 Fundamentals of port engineering / 미리보기
Schoonees, Koos CRC Press 2023 URL
1002 전자책 Fundamentals of project management / 미리보기
Heagney, Joseph 2016 URL
1003 전자책 Fundamentals of project management [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Heagney, Joseph. American Management Association 2012 URL
1004 전자책 Fundamentals of risk management : understanding evaluating and implementing effective risk management / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hopkin, Paul. Kogan Page 2012 URL
1005 전자책 Fundamentals of risk management for accountants and managers : tools & techniques / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Collier, Paul M. Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann 2009 URL
1006 전자책 Fundamentals of school marketing / 미리보기
Lockhart, Johanna 2016 URL
1007 전자책 Fundamentals of search and rescue / 미리보기
Cooper, Donald C. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2019 URL
1008 전자책 Fundamentals of wave phenomena / 미리보기
Hirose, Akira SciTech Pub. 2010 URL
1009 전자책 Fundamentals of wearable computers and augmented reality / 미리보기
Barfield, Woodrow 2016 URL
1010 전자책 Fundamentals success : NCLEX-style Q & A review / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Nugent, Patricia Mary F.A. Davis 2019 URL
1011 전자책 Fundamentals success : NCLEX짰-style Q&A review / 미리보기
Nugent, Patricia Mary 2023 URL
1012 전자책 Fundamentals success : a Q & A review applying critical thinking to test taking / 미리보기
Nugent, Patricia Mary 2015 URL
1013 전자책 Funding policies and the nonprofit sector in Western Canada : evolving relationships in a changing environment / 미리보기
Elson, Peter R. 2016 URL
1014 전자책 Fundraising and strategic planning : innovative approaches for museums / 미리보기
Decker, Juilee 2015 URL
1015 전자책 Funeral culture : AIDS, work, and cultural change in an African kingdom / 미리보기
Golomski, Casey Indiana University Press 2018 URL
1016 전자책 Fungipedia : a brief compendium of mushroom lore / 미리보기
Millman, Lawrence Princeton University Press 2019 URL
1017 전자책 Funny pictures : animation and comedy in studio-era Hollywood / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Goldmark, Daniel. Keil, Charlie. University of California Press 2011 URL
1018 전자책 Funnybooks : the improbable glories of the best American comic books / 미리보기
Barrier, J. Michael 2015 URL
1019 전자책 Further with knowledge graphs : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 6-9 September 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / 미리보기
International Conference on Semantic Systems (17th : 2021 : Amsterdam, Netherlands) IOS Press 2021 URL
1020 전자책 Further with knowledge graphs : proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 6-9 September 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / [electronic resource] 미리보기
International Conference on Semantic Systems (17th : 2021 : Amsterdam, Netherlands) IOS Press 2021 URL
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