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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
701 전자책 Fostering nurse-led care : professional practice for the bedside leader from Massachusetts General Hospital / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ives Erickson, Jeanette. Jones, Dorothy A. Ditomassi, Marianne. Sigma Theta Tau International 2012 URL
702 전자책 Fostering on the farm : child placement in the rural Midwest / 미리보기
Birk, Megan 2015 URL
703 전자책 Fostering resilient learners : strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive classroom / 미리보기
Souers, Kristin 2016 URL
704 전자책 Fostering responsible computing research : Foundations and practices / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Responsible Computing Research: Ethics and Governance of Computing Re 2022 URL
705 전자책 Fostering the culture of convergence in research : proceedings of a workshop / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Arnold, Amanda the National Academies Press 2019 URL
706 전자책 Foucault and the government of disability / 미리보기
Tremain, Shelley 2015 URL
707 전자책 Foucault, crime and power : problematisations of crime in the twentieth century / 미리보기
Borch, Christian 2014 URL
708 전자책 Foundations : how the built environment made twentieth-century Britain / 미리보기
Wetherell, Sam Princeton University Press 2020 URL
709 전자책 Foundations : how the built environment made twentieth-century Britain / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wetherell, Sam Princeton University Press 2020 URL
710 전자책 Foundations for Attachment Training Resource : the Six-Session Programme for Parents of Traumatized Children 미리보기
Golding, Kim. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 URL
711 전자책 Foundations for model-based systems engineering : from patterns to models / 미리보기
Holt, Jon 2016 URL
712 전자책 Foundations in neonatal and pediatric respiratory care / 미리보기
Volsko, Teresa A. Jones & Bartlett Learning 2020 URL
713 전자책 Foundations in neonatal and pediatric respiratory care / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Volsko, Teresa A. 2023 URL
714 전자책 Foundations of 3D computer graphics [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Gortler, Steven J. MIT Press 2012 URL
715 전자책 Foundations of Social Evolution / 미리보기
Frank, Steven A. Princeton University Press 2019 URL
716 전자책 Foundations of Theory for Ancient Chinese Medicine : Shang Han Lun and Contemporary Medical Texts / 미리보기
Liu, Guohui 2015 URL
717 전자책 Foundations of a healthy and vital research community for NASA science / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on the Foundation for Assessing the Health and Vitality of the NASA Scie 2022 URL
718 전자책 Foundations of antenna radiation theory : eigenmode analysis / 미리보기
Wen, Geyi Wiley-IEEE Press 2023 URL
719 전자책 Foundations of aural rehabilitation : children, adults, and their family members / 미리보기
Tye-Murray, Nancy Plural Publishing 2020 URL
720 전자책 Foundations of clinical nurse specialist practice / 미리보기
Fulton, Janet S. Lyon, Brenda L. Goudreau, Kelly A. 2014 URL
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