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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : F]
1,242건 중 1242건 출력
10/63 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
181 전자책 Fashion and jazz : dress, identity and subcultural improvisation / 미리보기
McClendon, Alphonso 2015 URL
182 전자책 Fashion and materialism / 미리보기
Lehmann, Ulrich Edinburgh University Press 2018 URL
183 전자책 Fashion design : the complete guide / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hopkins, John. Ava Publishing SA 2012 URL
184 전자책 Fashion in popular culture : literature, media and contemporary studies / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hancock, Joseph. Johnson-Woods, Toni. Karaminas, Vicki. Intellect 2013 URL
185 전자책 Fashion studies : research methods, sites and practices / 미리보기
2016 URL
186 전자책 Fashion supply chain management : industry and business analysis / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Choi, Tsan-Ming. Business Science Reference 2012 URL
187 전자책 Fashion's double : representations of fashion in painting, photography and film / 미리보기
Geczy, Adam 2015 URL
188 전자책 Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Penrose, Roger. Princeton University Press 2024 URL
189 전자책 Fashion, dress, and post-postmodernism / 미리보기
Blanco F., Jose? Reilly, Andrew Hinchcliffe 2021 URL
190 전자책 Fashion, faith and fantasy in the new physics of the universe [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Penrose, Roger. Princeton University Press 2016 URL
191 전자책 Fashioning diaspora : beauty, femininity, and South Asian American culture / 미리보기
Reddy, Vanita 2016 URL
192 전자책 Fashioning identity : status ambivalence in contemporary fashion / 미리보기
Mackinney-Valentin, Maria 2017 URL
193 전자책 Fashioning spaces : mode and modernity in late nineteenth-century Paris / 미리보기
Brevik-Zender, Heidi 2014 URL
194 전자책 Fast Facts for the Operating Room Nurse, Second Edition : An Orientation and Care Guide [electronic resource] 미리보기
Criscitelli, Theresa, EdD, RN, CNOR. Springer Publishing Company 2018 URL
195 전자책 Fast Facts on Adolescent Health for Nursing and Health Professionals : A Care Guide in a Nutshell [electronic resource] 미리보기
Herrman, Judith. Springer Publishing Company 2014 URL
196 전자책 Fast Feedback : How One Primary School Abolished Written Marking / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hill, Lesley. 2022 URL
197 전자책 Fast Japanese with Elisabeth Smith [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Smith, Elisabeth. Hodder Education 2011 URL
198 전자책 Fast and effective assessment : how to reduce your workload and improve student learning / 미리보기
Pearsall, Glen ASCD 2018 URL
199 전자책 Fast data processing with Spark : high-speed distributed computing made easy with Spark / 미리보기
Karau, Holden 2013 URL
200 전자책 Fast facts about EKGs for nurses : the rules of identifying EKGs in a nutshell / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Landrum, Michele Angell. Springer Pub. Co. 2014 URL
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