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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
81 전자책 Facilitating teacher teams and authentic PLCs : the human side of leading people, protocols, and practices / 미리보기
Venables, Daniel R. ASCD 2017 URL
82 전자책 Facilitative leadership in social work practice [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Breshears, Elizabeth M. Springer Pub. 2013 URL
83 전자책 Facilities staffing requirements for the Veterans Health Administration : resourcing, workforce modeling, and staffing : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
Debad, Susan J. The National Academies Press 2019 URL
84 전자책 Facing Cyber Threats Head On [electronic resource] 미리보기
Minick, Brian Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2010 URL
85 전자책 Facing fear : the history of an emotion in global perspective / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Laffan, Michael Francis Weiss, Max Princeton University Press 2012 URL
86 전자책 Fact and fiction : literary and scientific cultures in Germany and Britain / 미리보기
Lehleiter, Christine 2015 URL
87 전자책 Fact over Fake : A Critical Thinker's Guide to Media Bias and Political Propaganda [electronic resource] 미리보기
Elder , Linda. The Foundation for Critical Thinking 2020 URL
88 전자책 Factor Analysis and Related Methods 미리보기
McDonald, Roderick P. Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
89 전자책 Factors of EU economic grouth : a multi-level investigation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Boldeanu, Florin-Teodor Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018 URL
90 전자책 Faculty development and student learning : assessing the connections / 미리보기
Condon, William Indiana University Press 2016 URL
91 전자책 Fad-free strategy : rigorous methods to help executives make strategic choices confidently / 미리보기
Deneffe, Daniel Routledge 2020 URL
92 전자책 Fads and fallacies in psychiatry / 미리보기
Paris, Joel 2013 URL
93 전자책 Fail fast or win big : the start-up plan for starting now / 미리보기
Schroeder, Bernhard. 2015 URL
94 전자책 Fail to plan, plan to fail : how to create your school's education technology strategic plan / 미리보기
Vidal, Darryl 2017 URL
95 전자책 Failed democratization in prewar Japan : breakdown of a hybrid regime / 미리보기
Takenaka, Harukata 2014 URL
96 전자책 Failed states and institutional decay : understanding instability and poverty in the developing world / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ezrow, Natasha M. Bloomsbury Academic 2013 URL
97 전자책 Failing desire / 미리보기
MacKendrick, Karmen State University of New York Press 2018 URL
98 전자책 Failing in the Field : What We Can Learn When Field Research Goes Wrong 미리보기
Karlan, Dean S. Princeton University Press 2016 URL
99 전자책 Failure case studies in civil engineering : structures, foundations, and the geoenvironment / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bosela, Paul A. Brady, Pamalee. Delatte, Norbert J. Parfitt, M. Kevin. American Society of Civil Engineers 2012 URL
100 전자책 Failure to adjust : how Americans got left behind in the global economy / 미리보기
Alden, Edward H. 2016 URL
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