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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
481 전자책 Empires of the weak : the real story of European expansion and the creation of the new world order / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sharman, J. C. Princeton University Press 2019 URL
482 전자책 Empires of vice : the rise of opium prohibition across Southeast Asia / 미리보기
Kim, Diana S. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
483 전자책 Empirical Studies in Field Instruction / 미리보기
Raskin, Miriam S. Routledge, Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
484 전자책 Empirical approaches to cognitive linguistics : analyzing real-life data / 미리보기
Luodonpa?a?-Manni, Milla Penttila?, Esa Viimaranta, Johanna 2017 URL
485 전자책 Empirical model discovery and theory evaluation : automatic selection methods in econometrics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hendry, David F. The MIT Press 2014 URL
486 전자책 Empirical studies of the construction of discourse / 미리보기
Loureda, O?scar Recio Ferna?ndez, Ine?s Nadal, Laura Cruz, Adriana John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 URL
487 전자책 Empirical studies of the construction of discourse / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Loureda, O?scar Recio Ferna?ndez, Ine?s Nadal, Laura Cruz, Adriana John Benjamins Publishing Company 2019 URL
488 전자책 Employee relations / 미리보기
Aylott, Elizabeth. 2014 URL
489 전자책 Employee surveys that work : improving design, use, and organizational impact / 미리보기
Levenson, Alec Robert 2014 URL
490 전자책 Employing Nietzsche's sociological imagination : how to understand totalitarian democracy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Fong, Jack 2020 URL
491 전자책 Employment equity in Canada : the legacy of the Abella report / 미리보기
Ago?cs, Carol 2014 URL
492 전자책 Employment law / 미리보기
Aylott, Elizabeth 2014 URL
493 전자책 Employment law 2010-2011 [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Routledge 2010 URL
494 전자책 Empowered students : educating flexible minds for a flexible future / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rutishauser, Kerry Decker 2021 URL
495 전자책 Empowering Black boys to challenge rape culture / 미리보기
Braxton, Gordon 2022 URL
496 전자책 Empowering Therapeutic Practice : Integrating Psychodrama into other Therapies / 미리보기
Holmes, Paul Farrell, Mark Kirk, Kate 2014 URL
497 전자책 Empowering Young Writers : The ""Writers Matter"" Approach [electronic resource] 미리보기
Yost, Deborah S. Temple University Press 2014 URL
498 전자책 Empowering learners with mobile open-access learning initiatives / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mills, Michael S. Wake, Donna Information Science Reference 2017 URL
499 전자책 Empowering multiculturalism and peacebuilding in schools / 미리보기
Polat, Soner Gu?nc偈avd캇, Gizem IGI Global, Information Science Reference 2020 URL
500 전자책 Empowering multiculturalism and peacebuilding in schools / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Polat, Soner Gu?nc偈avd캇, Gizem IGI Global, Information Science Reference 2020 URL
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