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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
381 전자책 Defying the odds : the 2016 elections and American politics / 미리보기
Ceaser, James W. 2017 URL
382 전자책 Degenerate diffusion operators arising in population biology [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Epstein, Charles L. 2013 URL
383 전자책 Degrees and pedigrees : the education of America's top executives / 미리보기
Nietzel, Michael T. 2017 URL
384 전자책 Degrees of deception : America's for-profit higher education fraud / 미리보기
Connell, Kevin 2016 URL
385 전자책 Deindustrialisation and popular music : punk and 'post-punk' in Manchester, Du?sseldorf, Torino and Tampere / 미리보기
Botta?, Giacomo Rowman & Littlefield International 2020 URL
386 전자책 Deindustrialisation and popular music : punk and 'post-punk' in Manchester, Du?sseldorf, Torino and Tampere / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Botta?, Giacomo Rowman & Littlefield International 2020 URL
387 전자책 Deindustrialization, Distribution, and Development : Structural Change in the Global South / Andy Sumner 미리보기
Sumner, Andrew Oxford University Press 2021 URL
388 전자책 Deindustrialization, Distribution, and Development : Structural Change in the Global South / Andy Sumner. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sumner, Andrew Oxford University Press 2021 URL
389 전자책 Delays entering a container port : a logistics bottleneck / 미리보기
Lawrence, Brian 2016 URL
390 전자책 Deleuze & Guattari, Politics and Education : For a People-Yet-to-Come [electronic resource] 미리보기
Carlin, Matthew. Bloomsbury Publishing 2014 URL
391 전자책 Deleuze and Futurism : a Manifesto for Nonsense 미리보기
Palmer, Helen. Bloomsbury Academic 2014 URL
392 전자책 Deleuze and Guattari's 'What is philosophy?' : a reader's guide / 미리보기
Butler, Rex 2015 URL
393 전자책 Deleuze and the schizoanalysis of literature / 미리보기
Buchanan, Ian Matts, Tim Tynan, Aidan 2015 URL
394 전자책 Deleuze's political vision / 미리보기
Tampio, Nicholas. 2015 URL
395 전자책 Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty : the logic and pragmatics of creation, affective life, and perception / 미리보기
Olkowski, Dorothea. Indiana University Press 2021 URL
396 전자책 Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty : the logic and pragmatics of creation, affective life, and perception / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Olkowski, Dorothea. Indiana University Press 2021 URL
397 전자책 Deleuzian concepts : philosophy, colonization, politics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Patton, Paul. Stanford University Press 2010 URL
398 전자책 Deliberate ignorance : choosing not to know / 미리보기
Hertwig, Ralph Engel, Christoph The MIT Press 2021 URL
399 전자책 Deliberate ignorance : choosing not to know / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hertwig, Ralph Engel, Christoph The MIT Press 2021 URL
400 전자책 Deliberately divided : inside the controversial study of twins and triplets adopted apart / 미리보기
Segal, Nancy L. 2021 URL
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