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361 전자책 Deep water : murder, scandal, and intrigue in a New England town / 미리보기
Sheldon, Ken 2022 URL
362 전자책 Deepening community : finding joy together in chaotic times / 미리보기
Born, Paul. 2014 URL
363 전자책 Deeply responsible business : a global history of values-driven leadership / 미리보기
Jones, Geoffrey 2023 URL
364 전자책 Defences in tort / 미리보기
Dyson, Andrew Goudkamp, James Wilmot-Smith, Fred 2015 URL
365 전자책 Defending American religious neutrality [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Koppelman, Andrew. Harvard University Press 2013 URL
366 전자책 Defending and defining the faith : an introduction to early Christian apologetic literature / 미리보기
Williams, Daniel H. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
367 전자책 Defending and defining the faith : an introduction to early Christian apologetic literature / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Williams, Daniel H. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
368 전자책 Defense Research Capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Other Minority Institutions : Transitioning from Good Intentions to Measurable Outcomes [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jackson, Leigh Miles McClain, Aliecia R. DeLoatch, Eugene M. National Academies Press 2023 URL
369 전자책 Defiant Teens, Second Edition : a Clinician's Manual for Assessment and Family Intervention [electronic resource] 미리보기
Barkley, Russell A. Guilford Publications 2014 URL
370 전자책 Define and rule : native as political identity / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mamdani, Mahmood Harvard University Press 2012 URL
371 전자책 Defining Student Success : The Role of School and Culture [electronic resource] 미리보기
Nunn, Lisa M. Rutgers University Press 2014 URL
372 전자책 Defining contemporary professionalism : for architects in practice and education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jones, Alan Hyde, Rob Farrelly, Lorraine Kongebro, Signe RIBA Publishing 2019 URL
373 전자책 Defining death : the case for choice / 미리보기
Veatch, Robert M. 2016 URL
374 전자책 Defining duty in the Civil War : personal choice, popular culture, and the Union home front / 미리보기
Gallman, J. Matthew 2015 URL
375 전자책 Defining effective transboundary water cooperation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McCracken, Melissa 2022 URL
376 전자책 Defining neighbors : religion, race, and the early Zionist-Arab encounter / 미리보기
Gribetz, Jonathan Marc 2014 URL
377 전자책 Defining populations for Dietary Reference Intake recommendations : a letter report / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.) 2022 URL
378 전자책 Defining religion : essays in philosophy of religion / 미리보기
Neville, Robert C. State University of New York 2018 URL
379 전자책 Defining statesmanship : a comparative political theory analysis / 미리보기
Ray, Clyde Lexington Books 2020 URL
380 전자책 Defining the modern museum : a case study of the challenges of exchange / [electronic resource] 미리보기
McTavish, Lianne. University of Toronto Press 2012 URL
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