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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
321 전자책 Decoding autism and leading the way to successful inclusion / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Boroson, Barbara 2020 URL
322 전자책 Decoding dating : a guide to the unwritten social rules of dating for men with Asperger syndrome (autism spectrum disorder) / 미리보기
Miller, John 2015 URL
323 전자책 Decoding madness : a forensic psychologist explores the criminal mind / 미리보기
Lettieri, Richard 2021 URL
324 전자책 Decoding the TOEFL® iBT Actual Test Reading [전자책]. 1 미리보기
Michael A. Putlack, 다락원 2014 URL
325 전자책 Decoding the TOEFL® iBT Actual Test Reading [전자책]. 2 미리보기
Michael A. Putlack, 다락원 2015 URL
326 전자책 Decoding the irrational consumer : how to commission, run and generate insights from neuromarketing research / 미리보기
Bridger, Darren 2015 URL
327 전자책 Decoding the social world : data science and the unintended consequences of communication / 미리보기
Gonza?lez-Bailo?n, Sandra MIT Press 2017 URL
328 전자책 Decoding theoryspeak : an illustrated guide to architectural theory / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ots, Enn. Routledge 2011 URL
329 전자책 Decolonization. [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jansen, Jan C. Princeton University Press 2017 URL
330 전자책 Decolonizing the classroom : confronting white supremacy in teacher education / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Krim, Jessica S. 2021 URL
331 전자책 Deconstructing Zionism : a critique of political metaphysics / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Vattimo, Gianni Vattimo, Gianni Marder, Michael 2013 URL
332 전자책 Deconstructing digital natives : young people, technology, and the new literacies / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Thomas, Michael. Routledge 2011 URL
333 전자책 Deconstructing the High Line : postindustrial urbanism and the rise of the elevated park / 미리보기
Lindner, Christoph Rosa, Brian 2017 URL
334 전자책 Deconstruction / 미리보기
Gunkel, David J. The MIT Press 2021 URL
335 전자책 Deconstruction / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gunkel, David J. The MIT Press 2021 URL
336 전자책 Decoys : a John Denson mystery / 미리보기
Hoyt, Richard 2014 URL
337 전자책 Decrypting the encryption debate : a framework for decision makers / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Computer Science and Telecommunications Board The National Academies Press 2018 URL
338 전자책 Deep China : the moral life of the person : what anthropology and psychiatry tell us about China today / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kleinman, Arthur. University of California Press 2011 URL
339 전자책 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing : Solve Your Natural Language Processing Problems with Smart Deep Neural Networks 미리보기
Reddy Bokka, Karthiek. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
340 전자책 Deep Learning with Pytorch 1.x : Implement Deep Learning Techniques and Neural Network Architecture Variants Using Python, 2nd Edition 미리보기
Mitchell, Laura. Packt Publishing, Limited 2019 URL
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