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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
801 전자책 Digital signatures : the impact of digitization on popular music sound / 미리보기
Br첩vig-Hanssen, Ragnhild The MIT Press 2016 URL
802 전자책 Digital state : how the Internet is changing everything / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pont, Simon. Kogan Page Limited 2013 URL
803 전자책 Digital storytelling : capturing lives, creating community / 미리보기
Lambert, Joe Routledge 2018 URL
804 전자책 Digital suffragists : women, the web, and the future of democracy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tessier, Marie 2021 URL
805 전자책 Digital techniques for wideband receivers / 미리보기
Tsui, James 2015 URL
806 전자책 Digital textile printing / 미리보기
Carden, Susan 2016 URL
807 전자책 Digital to the Core [electronic resource] 미리보기
Raskino, Mark Taylor & Francis (CAM) 2010 URL
808 전자책 Digital tools for knowledge construction in the elementary grades / 미리보기
Blocher, Michael 2016 URL
809 전자책 Digital tools for knowledge construction in the secondary grades / 미리보기
Blocher, Michael 2016 URL
810 전자책 Digital transformation and its role in progressing the relationship between states and their citizens / 미리보기
Edwards, Sam B. Santos, Diogo IGI Global, Information Science Reference 2020 URL
811 전자책 Digital visual literacy : the librarian's quick guide / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Fox, Nicole M. 2022 URL
812 전자책 Digital wars : Apple, Google, Microsoft and the battle for the Internet / 미리보기
Arthur, Charles 2014 URL
813 전자책 Digital wars : Apple, Google, Microsoft and the battle for the Internet / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Arthur, Charles Kogan Page 2012 URL
814 전자책 Digital writing for English language learners / 미리보기
Alrubail, Rusul 2017 URL
815 전자책 Digital, emploi et compe?tences : terres nouvelles, droit devant ! : ou comment deux dirigeants de grandes entreprises voient et s'engagent dans les mutations digitales et ressources humaines / 미리보기
Roumilhac, Alain. 2016 URL
816 전자책 Digitally Enhanced Mixed Signal Systems / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jabbour, Chadi Desgreys, Patricia Dallet, Dominique Institution of Engineering & Technology 2019 URL
817 전자책 Digitally enabled social change : activism in the Internet age / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Earl, Jennifer MIT Press 2011 URL
818 전자책 Digitization and digital archiving : a practical guide for librarians / 미리보기
Leggett, Elizabeth R. 2014 URL
819 전자책 Dignity & inclusion : making it work for children with complex health care needs / 미리보기
Allard, Amanda Carlin, Jeanne Delamore, Jan Townsend, Ian 2015 URL
820 전자책 Dignity : its history and meaning / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rosen, Michael Harvard University Press 2012 URL
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