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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1601 전자책 Cosmetic acupuncture : a traditional Chinese medicine approach to cosmetic and dermatological problems / 미리보기
Thambirajah, Radha 2016 URL
1602 전자책 Cosmic odyssey : how intrepid astronomers at Palomar Observatory changed our view of the universe / 미리보기
Schweizer, Linda Younker The MIT Press 2020 URL
1603 전자책 Cosmic odyssey : how intrepid astronomers at Palomar Observatory changed our view of the universe / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schweizer, Linda Younker The MIT Press 2020 URL
1604 전자책 Cosmology's century : an inside history of our modern understanding of the Universe / 미리보기
Peebles, P. J. E. Princeton University Press 2020 URL
1605 전자책 Cosmopolitan civility : global-local reflections with Fred Dallmayr / 미리보기
Abbey, Ruth State University of New York Press 2020 URL
1606 전자책 Cosmopolitan civility : global-local reflections with Fred Dallmayr / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Abbey, Ruth State University of New York Press 2020 URL
1607 전자책 Cosmopolitan commons : sharing resources and risks across borders / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Disco, Cornelis Kranakis, Eda 2013 URL
1608 전자책 Cosmopolitan film cultures in Latin America, 1896-1960 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Navitski, Rielle Poppe, Nicolas Indiana University Press 2017 URL
1609 전자책 Cosmopolitanism and place / 미리보기
Wahman, Jessica Medina, Jose? M. Stuhr, John J. Indiana University Press 2017 URL
1610 전자책 Cosmopolitanism and the Development of the International Criminal Court : Non-Governmental Organizations' Advocacy and Transnational Human Rights / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Biedendorf, Jennifer. Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2019 URL
1611 전자책 Cosmos : a poem / 미리보기
Applewhite, James. Louisiana State University Press 2014 URL
1612 전자책 Cost and management accounting : fundamentals - a southern African approach / 미리보기
Marimuthu, Ferina Du Toit, Elda 2016 URL
1613 전자책 Cost and management accounting : operations and management : a Southern African approach / 미리보기
Marimuthu, Ferina Cloete, Melanie 2014 URL
1614 전자책 Cost-Benefit Analysis in Urban and Regional Planning [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Schofield, J. Routledge 2018 URL
1615 전자책 Costume design : the basics / 미리보기
Delligatti, T. M. 2021 URL
1616 전자책 Costume in performance : materiality, culture, and the body / 미리보기
Barbieri, Donatella 2017 URL
1617 전자책 Costume since 1945 : historical dress from couture to street style / 미리보기
Clancy Steer, Deirdre 2015 URL
1618 전자책 Costume, makeup, and hair / 미리보기
McLean, Adrienne L. 2016 URL
1619 전자책 Counseling cops : what clinicians need to know / 미리보기
Kirschman, Ellen. 2014 URL
1620 전자책 Counseling diversity in context / 미리보기
Brown, Jason 2017 URL
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