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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
981 전자책 Coconut colonialism : workers and the globalization of Samoa / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Droessler, Holger 2022 URL
982 전자책 Code as creative medium : a handbook for computational art and design / 미리보기
Levin, Golan MIT Press 2021 URL
983 전자책 Code as creative medium : a handbook for computational art and design / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Levin, Golan MIT Press 2021 URL
984 전자책 Code-switching [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Gardner-Chloros, Penelope. Cambridge University Press 2009 URL
985 전자책 Code/space : software and everyday life / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kitchin, Rob. MIT Press 2011 URL
986 전자책 Codebusters / 미리보기
Metcalf, Dan 2017 URL
987 전자책 Coded territories : tracing indigenous pathways in new media art / 미리보기
Loft, Steve 2014 URL
988 전자책 Codename revolution : the Nintendo WII platform / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jones, Steven E. MIT Press 2012 URL
989 전자책 Coding democracy : how hackers are disrupting power, surveillance, and authoritarianism / 미리보기
Webb, Maureen The MIT Press 2020 URL
990 전자책 Coding democracy : how hackers are disrupting power, surveillance, and authoritarianism / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Webb, Maureen The MIT Press 2020 URL
991 전자책 Coding freedom : the ethics and aesthetics of hacking / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Coleman, E. Gabriella Princeton University Press 2012 URL
992 전자책 Coding notes : pocket coach for medical coding / 미리보기
Andress, Alice Anne 2016 URL
993 전자책 Coefficient of Variation and Machine Learning Applications [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Hima Bindu, K. CRC Press LLC 2019 URL
994 전자책 Coefficient of Variation and Machine Learning Applications [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Hima Bindu, K. CRC Press LLC 2019 URL
995 전자책 Coerced : Work under Threat of Punishment [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hatton, Erin. University of California Press 2020 URL
996 전자책 Coerced : Work under Threat of Punishment [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hatton, Erin. University of California Press 2020 URL
997 전자책 Coercion, survival, and war : why weak states resist the United States / 미리보기
Haun, Phil M. 2015 URL
998 전자책 Coercive concern : nationalism, liberalism, and the schooling of Muslim youth / 미리보기
Jaffe-Walter, Reva 2016 URL
999 전자책 Coffee Life in Japan [electronic resource]. 미리보기
White, Merry. University of California Press 2012 URL
1000 전자책 Cogeneration : technologies, optimisation and implementation / 미리보기
Frangopoulos, Christos A. 2017 URL
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