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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
781 전자책 City of crisis : the multiple contestation of southern European cities / 미리보기
Eckardt, Frank Ruiz Sanchez, Javier 2015 URL
782 전자책 City of noise : sound and nineteenth-century Paris / 미리보기
Boutin, Aime?e 2015 URL
783 전자책 City of refuge : separatists and utopian town planning / 미리보기
Lewis, Michael J. Princeton University Press 2016 URL
784 전자책 City of steel : how Pittsburgh became the world's steelmaking capital during the Carnegie era / 미리보기
Kobus, Ken 2015 URL
785 전자책 City of the good : nature, religion, and the ancient search for what is right / 미리보기
Bell, Michael Princeton University Press 2018 URL
786 전자책 City, state : constitutionalism and the megacity / 미리보기
Hirschl, Ran Oxford University Press 2020 URL
787 전자책 City, state : constitutionalism and the megacity / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hirschl, Ran Oxford University Press 2020 URL
788 전자책 Civic activism unleashed : new hope or false dawn for democracy? / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Youngs, Richard Oxford University Press 2019 URL
789 전자책 Civic aesthetics : militarism, Israeli art and visual culture / 미리보기
Roei, Noa 2017 URL
790 전자책 Civic engagement and civic infrastructure to advance health equity : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
Baciu, Alina 2023 URL
791 전자책 Civic engagement and social cohesion : measuring dimensions of social capital to inform policy / 미리보기
Prewitt, Kenneth Mackie, Christopher D. Habermann, Hermann 2014 URL
792 전자책 Civic symbol : creating Toronto's new City Hall, 1952-1966 / 미리보기
Armstrong, Christopher 2015 URL
793 전자책 Civil War canon : sites of Confederate memory in South Carolina / 미리보기
Brown, Thomas J. 2015 URL
794 전자책 Civil War general and Indian fighter James M. Williams : leader of the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry and the 8th U.S. Cavalry / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lull, Robert W. University of North Texas Press 2013 URL
795 전자책 Civil War wests : testing the limits of the United States / 미리보기
Arenson, Adam Graybill, Andrew R. 2015 URL
796 전자책 Civil and political rights in Cameroon / 미리보기
Agbor, Avitus A. Rowman and Littlefield 2021 URL
797 전자책 Civil and political rights in Cameroon / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Agbor, Avitus A. Rowman and Littlefield 2021 URL
798 전자책 Civil disagreement : personal integrity in a pluralistic society / 미리보기
Langerak, Edward. 2014 URL
799 전자책 Civil disobedience : protest, justification and the law / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Milligan, Tony. 2013 URL
800 전자책 Civil examinations and meritocracy in late Imperial China / 미리보기
Elman, Benjamin A. 2013 URL
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