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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
601 전자책 Child abuse sourcebook : basic consumer health information about child neglect and the physical, sexual, and emotional abuse of children, including abusive head trauma, bullying, munchausen syndrome by proxy, statutory rape, incest, educational neglect, exploitation, and the long-term consequences 미리보기
Juntunen, Valarie R. Omnigraphics, Inc. 2013 URL
602 전자책 Child and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior : School-Based Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention / 미리보기
Miller, David Neil Guilford Press 2021 URL
603 전자책 Child and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior : School-Based Prevention, Assessment, and Intervention / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miller, David Neil Guilford Press 2021 URL
604 전자책 Child and adolescent counseling case studies : developmental, relational, multicultural, and systemic perspectives / 미리보기
Jones, Brenda L. Duffey, Thelma Haberstroh, Shane Springer 2016 URL
605 전자책 Child and adolescent development for educators / 미리보기
McCormick, Christine B. Guilford Press 2018 URL
606 전자책 Child and adolescent mental health in social work : a casebook / 미리보기
Corcoran, Jacqueline 2023 URL
607 전자책 Child and family welfare / 미리보기
Runcan, Patricia-Luciana Rat迲a?, Georgeta. Iovu, Mihai-Bogdan. 2014 URL
608 전자책 Child composers in the old conservatories : how orphans became elite musicians / 미리보기
Gjerdingen, Robert O. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
609 전자책 Child composers in the old conservatories : how orphans became elite musicians / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gjerdingen, Robert O. Oxford University Press 2020 URL
610 전자책 Child data citizen : how tech companies are profiling us from before birth / 미리보기
Barassi, Veronica The MIT Press 2020 URL
611 전자책 Child data citizen : how tech companies are profiling us from before birth / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Barassi, Veronica The MIT Press 2020 URL
612 전자책 Child development in practice : responsive teaching and learning from birth to five / [electronic resource] 미리보기
May, Pamela. Routledge 2011 URL
613 전자책 Child protection : safeguarding children against abuse / 미리보기
Moody, Iain. Routledge 2014 URL
614 전자책 Child psychotherapy : integrating developmental theory into clinical practice / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Adler-Tapia, Robbie. Springer Publishing Company 2012 URL
615 전자책 Child sexual exploitation after Rotherham : understanding the consequences and recommendations for practice / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Heal, Angie 2017 URL
616 전자책 Child training tips : what I wish I knew when my children were young / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bradley, Reb. WND Books 2014 URL
617 전자책 Childcare professionals : a practical career guide / 미리보기
Hamilton, Tracy Brown 2022 URL
618 전자책 Childhood [전자책] 미리보기
[by] Leo Tolstoy Natural 2014 URL
619 전자책 Childhood and adolescence : cross-cultural perspectives and applications / 미리보기
Gielen, Uwe P. Roopnarine, Jaipaul L. Praeger 2016 URL
620 전자책 Childhood beyond pathology : a psychoanalytic study of development and diagnosis / 미리보기
Farley, Lisa Anne State University of New York Press 2018 URL
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