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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
2261 전자책 The care of older people : England and Japan, a comparative study / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hayashi, Mayumi. Pickering & Chatto 2013 URL
2262 전자책 The career arts : making the most of college, credentials, and connections / 미리보기
Wildavsky, Ben Princeton University Press 2023 URL
2263 전자책 The caregiver's toolbox : checklists, forms, resources, mobile apps, and straight talk to help you provide compassionate care / 미리보기
Hartley, Carolyn P. 2015 URL
2264 전자책 The caregiving ambition : what it is and why it matters at home and work / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bear, Julia B. 2022 URL
2265 전자책 The carrot purple and other curious stories of the food we eat / 미리보기
Denker, Joel 2015 URL
2266 전자책 The cartels : the story of Mexico's most dangerous criminal organizations and their impact on U.S. security / 미리보기
Grayson, George W. 2013 URL
2267 전자책 The case against academic boycotts of Israel / 미리보기
Nelson, Cary Brahm, Gabriel 2015 URL
2268 전자책 The case against democracy / 미리보기
Michels, Steven. 2013 URL
2269 전자책 The case against education : why our education system is a waste of time and money / 미리보기
Caplan, Bryan Douglas Princeton University Press, 2018 URL
2270 전자책 The case for U.S. nuclear weapons in the 21st century / 미리보기
Roberts, Brad 2015 URL
2271 전자책 The case for gay reparations / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Encarnacio?n, Omar Guillermo 2021 URL
2272 전자책 The case for rage : why anger is essential to anti-racist struggle / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Cherry, Myisha 2021 URL
2273 전자책 The case for space : how the revolution in spaceflight opens up a future of limitless possibility / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Zubrin, Robert Prometheus Books 2019 URL
2274 전자책 The case of the frozen addicts : how the solution of a medical mystery revolutionized the understanding of Parkinson's Disease / 미리보기
Langston, J. W. 2014 URL
2275 전자책 The case of the missing cutlery : a leadership course for the rising star / 미리보기
Allen, Kevin 2014 URL
2276 전자책 The cash ceiling : why only the rich run for office--and what we can do about It / 미리보기
Carnes, Nicholas Princeton University Press 2018 URL
2277 전자책 The caste of merit : engineering education in India / 미리보기
Subramanian, Ajantha Harvard University Press 2019 URL
2278 전자책 The caste of merit : engineering education in India / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Subramanian, Ajantha Harvard University Press 2019 URL
2279 전자책 The castle of truth and other revolutionary tales / 미리보기
Zur Mu?hlen, Hermynia Princeton University Press 2020 URL
2280 전자책 The castrato : reflections on natures and kinds / 미리보기
Feldman, Martha. 2015 URL
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