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1,367건 중 1367건 출력
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1341 전자책 The branded mind : what neuroscience really tells us about the puzzle of the brain and the brand / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Du Plessis, Erik. Kogan Page 2011 URL
1342 전자책 The bridge : natural gas in a redivided Europe / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gustafson, Thane Harvard University Press 2020 URL
1343 전자책 The bridge : natural gas in a redivided Europe / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Gustafson, Thane Harvard University Press 2020 URL
1344 전자책 The broadbelters : can an ex-Hollywood starlet find happiness writing a dirty book? / 미리보기
Schnall, Maxine 2014 URL
1345 전자책 The broadcast journalism handbook / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hudson, Gary Routledge 2014 URL
1346 전자책 The broken compass : parental involvement with children's education / 미리보기
Robinson, Keith 2014 URL
1347 전자책 The bubble economy : is sustainable growth possible? / 미리보기
Ayres, Robert U. 2014 URL
1348 전자책 The building and breaking of peace : corporate activities in civil war prevention and resolution / 미리보기
Melin, Molly M. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1349 전자책 The building and breaking of peace : corporate activities in civil war prevention and resolution / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Melin, Molly M. Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1350 전자책 The building blocks of life : a nutrition foundation for healthcare professionals / 미리보기
Callis, TC CRC Press 2023 URL
1351 전자책 The burden of the past : history, memory, and identity in contemporary Ukraine / 미리보기
Wylega흢a, Anna G흢owacka-Grajper, Ma흢gorzata Indiana University Press 2020 URL
1352 전자책 The burnout challenge : managing people's relationships with their jobs / 미리보기
Maslach, Christina 2022 URL
1353 전자책 The burnout cure : learning to love teaching again / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mielke, Chase ASCD 2019 URL
1354 전자책 The burnout society / 미리보기
Han, Byung-Chul 2015 URL
1355 전자책 The business affairs of Mr Julius Caesar / 미리보기
Brecht, Bertolt 2016 URL
1356 전자책 The business cycle : growth and crisis under capitalism / 미리보기
Sherman, Howard J. 2014 URL
1357 전자책 The business developer's playbook : relationship selling principles and the dna of dialogue selling / 미리보기
Nixon, Peter Taylor & Francis 2019 URL
1358 전자책 The business of creativity : toward an anthropology of worth / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Moeran, Brian 2014 URL
1359 전자책 The business of identity : Jews, Muslims, and economic life in medieval Egypt / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ackerman-Lieberman, Phillip Isaac 2014 URL
1360 전자책 The business of private medical practice : doctors, specialization, and urban change in Philadelphia, 1900-1940 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schafer, James A. 2014 URL
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