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1,368건 중 1368건 출력
65/69 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1281 전자책 The better mousetrap : brand invention in a media democracy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pont, Simon. Kogan Page 2013 URL
1282 전자책 The better writing breakthrough : connecting student thinking and discussion to inspire great writing / 미리보기
Dougherty, Eleanor 2016 URL
1283 전자책 The bias that divides us : the science and politics of myside thinking / 미리보기
Stanovich, Keith E. The MIT Press 2021 URL
1284 전자책 The bias that divides us : the science and politics of myside thinking / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Stanovich, Keith E. The MIT Press 2021 URL
1285 전자책 The big book of Missouri ghost stories / 미리보기
Taylor, Troy. Globe Pequot 2019 URL
1286 전자책 The big book of New York ghost stories / 미리보기
Farnsworth, Cheri Globe Pequot 2019 URL
1287 전자책 The big book of Virginia ghost stories / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Taylor, L. B. Globe Pequot Press 2019 URL
1288 전자책 The big bucket list book : 133 experiences of a lifetime / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sander, Gin. 2016 URL
1289 전자책 The big leagues go to Washington : Congress and sports antitrust, 1951-1989 / 미리보기
Surdam, David G. 2015 URL
1290 전자책 The big move : life between the turning points / 미리보기
Wyatt-Brown, Anne M. Indiana University Press 2016 URL
1291 전자책 The big rig : trucking and the decline of the American dream / 미리보기
Viscelli, Steve 2016 URL
1292 전자책 The billionaire's chef : cooking for the rich and famished / 미리보기
Salisbury, Neal 2015 URL
1293 전자책 The biology and ecology of giant kelp forests / 미리보기
Schiel, David R. 2015 URL
1294 전자책 The biology of beauty : the science behind human attractiveness / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Smith, Rachelle M. Greenwood 2018 URL
1295 전자책 The biology of death : how dying shapes cells, organisms, & populations / 미리보기
C. Howard, Gary Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1296 전자책 The biology of death : how dying shapes cells, organisms, & populations / [electronic resource] 미리보기
C. Howard, Gary Oxford University Press 2021 URL
1297 전자책 The bipolar disorder survival guide : what you and your family need to know / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miklowitz, David Jay Guilford Press 2019 URL
1298 전자책 The birth and death of literary theory : regimes of relevance in Russia and beyond / 미리보기
Tihanov, Galin Stanford University Press 2019 URL
1299 전자책 The birth and death of literary theory : regimes of relevance in Russia and beyond / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tihanov, Galin Stanford University Press 2019 URL
1300 전자책 The birth control clinic in a marketplace world [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Holz, Rosemarie Petra University of Rochester Press 2012 URL
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