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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
921 전자책 Break-through : a sure-fire guide to realizing your potential, pushing through limitations, and achieving things you didn't know were possible / 미리보기
Nurse, David John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2022 URL
922 전자책 Breaking boundaries : innovative practices in environmental communication and public participation / 미리보기
Hunt, Kathleen P. Walker, Gregg B. Depoe, Stephen P. State University of New York Press 2019 URL
923 전자책 Breaking boundaries : innovative practices in environmental communication and public participation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Hunt, Kathleen P. Walker, Gregg B. Depoe, Stephen P. State University of New York Press 2019 URL
924 전자책 Breaking down the schoolhouse doors : a successful transition into the teaching profession / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Newton, Stephen V. Rowman & Littlefield 2018 URL
925 전자책 Breaking free from long Covid : reclaiming life and the things that matter / 미리보기
Gahan, Lucy Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2023 URL
926 전자책 Breaking free from myths about teaching and learning : innovation as an engine for student success / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Zmuda, Allison. ASCD 2010 URL
927 전자책 Breaking free of child anxiety and OCD : a scientifically proven program for parents / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Lebowitz, Eli R. 2021 URL
928 전자책 Breaking into the boys' club : the complete guide for women to get ahead in business / 미리보기
Shepard, Molly Dickinson 2022 URL
929 전자책 Breaking out : an Indian woman's American journey / 미리보기
Desai, Padma. 2013 URL
930 전자책 Breaking the Mold : India's Untraveled Path to Prosperity [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rajan, Raghuram G. Princeton University Press 2024 URL
931 전자책 Breaking the promise of Brown : the resegregation of America's schools / 미리보기
Breyer, Stephen G. 2022 URL
932 전자책 Breaking the shell : voyaging from nuclear refugees to people of the sea in the Marshall Islands / 미리보기
Genz, Joseph H. University of Hawai軻i Press 2018 URL
933 전자책 Breaking the social media prism : how to make our platforms less polarizing / 미리보기
Bail, Christopher Princeton University Press 2021 URL
934 전자책 Breaking the social media prism : how to make our platforms less polarizing / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Bail, Christopher Princeton University Press 2021 URL
935 전자책 Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction : What's Right For You 미리보기
Anstett, Patricia. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 2016 URL
936 전자책 Breast cancer facts, myths, and controversies : understanding current screenings and treatments / 미리보기
Finkel, Madelon Lubin 2021 URL
937 전자책 Breastfeeding challenges made easy for late preterm infants : the go-to guide for nurses and lactation consultants / 미리보기
Cole, Sandra 2014 URL
938 전자책 Breathe well and live well with COPD : a 28-day breathing exercise plan / 미리보기
Brindley, Janet 2014 URL
939 전자책 Breathe, Annie, breathe / 미리보기
Kenneally, Miranda. Sourcebooks 2014 URL
940 전자책 Breathing life into biology / 미리보기
Stewart, John Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019 URL
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