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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
321 전자책 Behavior management in today's schools [electronic resource]. Volume 2, Implementing effective interventions / 미리보기
Cancio, Edward Rowman and Littlefield 2019 URL
322 전자책 Behavioral classification system for problem behaviors in schools : a diagnostic manual / 미리보기
Cipani, Ennio Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2017 URL
323 전자책 Behavioral economics [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Cartwright, Edward. Routledge 2011 URL
324 전자책 Behavioral guide to personality disorders (DSM-5) / 미리보기
Ruben, Douglas H. 2015 URL
325 전자책 Behavioral insights / 미리보기
Hallsworth, Michael The MIT Press 2020 URL
326 전자책 Behavioral pediatric healthcare for nurse practitioners : a growth and developmental approach to intercepting abnormal behaviors / 미리보기
Hallas, Donna Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2018 URL
327 전자책 Behavioral principles in communicative disorders : applications to assessment and treatment / 미리보기
Maul, Christine A. 2016 URL
328 전자책 Behavioural macroeconomics : theory and policy / 미리보기
Grauwe, Paul de Oxford University Press 2019 URL
329 전자책 Behavioural macroeconomics : theory and policy / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Grauwe, Paul de Oxford University Press 2019 URL
330 전자책 Behind Deep Blue : Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion 미리보기
331 전자책 Behind every good decision : how anyone can use business analytics to turn data into profitable insight / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Jain, Piyanka 2014 URL
332 전자책 Behind the gas mask : the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service in war and peace / 미리보기
Faith, Thomas I. 2014 URL
333 전자책 Behind the white picket fence : power and privilege in a multiethnic neighborhood / 미리보기
Mayorga-Gallo, Sarah. 2014 URL
334 전자책 Behind their screens : what teens are facing (and adults are missing) / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Weinstein, Emily 2022 URL
335 전자책 Being Christian in Vandal Africa : the politics of orthodoxy in the Post-Imperial West / 미리보기
Whelan, Robin University of California Press 2018 URL
336 전자책 Being Material / 미리보기
Being Material (2017 : Cambridge, Mass.) MIT Press 2019 URL
337 전자책 Being Muslim in America [전자책] 미리보기
[ed. Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State] 주한미국대사관 2012 URL
338 전자책 Being Twice Exceptional 미리보기
Hayes, Melanie. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2022 URL
339 전자책 Being a true ally : how to strive toward allyship with trans and nonbinary folks and create inclusive communities / 미리보기
Whittlesey, Christina Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2022 URL
340 전자책 Being an effective construction client : working on commercial and public projects / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Ullathorne, Peter RIBA Publishing 2019 URL
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