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161 전자책 Abraham Lincoln's Most Famous Case [electronic resource] 미리보기
Dekle, George. ABC-CLIO 2014 URL
162 전자책 Abraham Lincoln's wilderness years : collected works of J. Edward Murr / 미리보기
Murr, J. Edward 2022 URL
163 전자책 Abrazando el espi?ritu : Bracero families confront the US-Mexico border / 미리보기
Rosas, Ana Elizabeth 2014 URL
164 전자책 Abrupt impacts of climate change : anticipating surprises / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Understanding and Monitoring Abrupt Climate Change and its Impacts 2013 URL
165 전자책 Absence of clutter : minimal writing as art and literature / 미리보기
Stephens, Paul The MIT Press 2020 URL
166 전자책 Abstract video : the moving image in contemporary art / 미리보기
Jennings, Gabrielle Mondloch, Kate 2015 URL
167 전자책 Abuse of power : how Cold War surveillance and secrecy policy shaped the response to 9/11 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Theoharis, Athan G. Temple University Press 2011 URL
168 전자책 Academic capitalism : universities in the global struggle for excellence / 미리보기
Mu?nch, Richard 2014 URL
169 전자책 Academic diary, or, Why higher education still matters / 미리보기
Back, Les. MIT Press 2016 URL
170 전자책 Academic language and learning support services in higher education / 미리보기
Velliaris, Donna M. IGI Global, Information Science Reference 2020 URL
171 전자책 Academic language literacy : developing instructional leadership skills for principals and teachers / 미리보기
Ringler, Marjorie C. 2015 URL
172 전자책 Academic leadership in nursing : effective strategies for aspiring faculty and leaders / 미리보기
Neal-Boylan, Leslie Springer Publishing Company, LLC 2018 URL
173 전자책 Academic library makerspaces : a practical guide to planning, collaborating, and supporting campus innovation / 미리보기
Mathuews, Katy B. Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2020 URL
174 전자책 Academic library makerspaces : a practical guide to planning, collaborating, and supporting campus innovation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Mathuews, Katy B. Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2020 URL
175 전자책 Academic library services for graduate students : supporting future academics and professionals / 미리보기
Forbes, Carrie Keeran, Peggy Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2020 URL
176 전자책 Academic library services for graduate students : supporting future academics and professionals / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Forbes, Carrie Keeran, Peggy Libraries Unlimited, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2020 URL
177 전자책 Academic literacy / 미리보기
Beekman, Litha 2016 URL
178 전자책 Academic literacy for law students : a content-based approach / 미리보기
Potgieter, Marike 2017 URL
179 전자책 Academic mobility programs and engagement : emerging research and opportunities / 미리보기
Velliaris, Donna M. Information Science Reference 2020 URL
180 전자책 Academic success : applying learning theory in the classroom / 미리보기
Pagliaro, Marie Menna 2013 URL
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