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541 전자책 Africa / 미리보기
Wiafe-Amoako, Francis 2017 URL
542 전자책 Africa / 미리보기
Wiafe-Amoako, Francis Roman & Littlefield 2021 URL
543 전자책 Africa / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wiafe-Amoako, Francis Roman & Littlefield 2021 URL
544 전자책 Africa 2019-2020 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Wiafe-Amoako, Francis. Stryker-Post Publications 2019 URL
545 전자책 Africa 2023-2024 / 미리보기
Wiafe-Amoako, Francis 2023 URL
546 전자책 Africa after apartheid : South Africa, race, and nation in Tanzania / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schroeder, Richard A. Indiana University Press 2012 URL
547 전자책 Africa and China : how Africans and their governments are shaping relations with China / 미리보기
Gadzala, Aleksandra W. 2015 URL
548 전자책 Africa and the Expansion of International Society : Surrendering the Savannah [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pella, John Anthony Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
549 전자책 Africa as a living laboratory : empire, development, and the problem of scientific knowledge, 1870-1950 / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Tilley, Helen University of Chicago Press 2011 URL
550 전자책 Africa in the world : capitalism, empire, nation-state / 미리보기
Cooper, Frederick 2014 URL
551 전자책 Africa speaks, America answers : modern jazz in revolutionary times / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Kelley, Robin D. G. Harvard University Press 2012 URL
552 전자책 Africa's lost leader : South Africa's continental role since apartheid / 미리보기
Hamill, James IISS The International Institute for Strategic Studies 2018 URL
553 전자책 Africa's struggle for its art : history of a postcolonial defeat / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Savoy, Be?ne?dicte 2022 URL
554 전자책 African American women educators : a critical examination of their pedagogies, educational ideas, and activism from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century / 미리보기
Johnson, Karen A. 2013 URL
555 전자책 African American women's life issues today : vital health and social matters / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Collins, Catherine Fisher Praeger 2013 URL
556 전자책 African Americans against the bomb : nuclear weapons, colonialism, and the Black freedom movement / 미리보기
Intondi, Vincent J. 2015 URL
557 전자책 African Americans and depression : signs, awareness, treatments, and interventions / 미리보기
Hastings, Julia F. 2015 URL
558 전자책 African Americans in Indianapolis : the Story of a People Determined to Be Free 미리보기
Williams, David Leander. 2022 URL
559 전자책 African Americans on television : race-ing for ratings / 미리보기
Leonard, David J Guerrero, Lisa Praeger 2013 URL
560 전자책 African Customary Law : Assessing Its Status and Effects Today 미리보기
Njuguna, Casper. Lexington Books 2019 URL
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