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441 전자책 Advances in pattern-based ontology engineering / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Blomqvist, Eva IOS Press 2021 URL
442 전자책 Advances in personality assessment : volume 10 / 미리보기
Butcher, James Neal Spielberger, Charles Donald Psychology Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2014 URL
443 전자책 Advances in personality assessment [electronic resource] /. Volume 5 미리보기
Spielberger, Charles Donald Routledge 2013 URL
444 전자책 Advances in religion, cognitive science, and experimental philosophy / 미리보기
De Cruz, Helen 2016 URL
445 전자책 Advances in telemedicine for health monitoring : technologies, design and applications / 미리보기
Rashid, Tarik A. Chakraborty, Chinmay, 1984- Fraser, Kym the Institution of Engineering and Technology 2020 URL
446 전자책 Advances in the analysis and design of marine structures : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures (MARSTRUCT 2023), Gothenburg, Sweden, 3-5 April 2023 / 미리보기
International Conference on Marine Structures (9th : 2023 : Go?teborg, Sweden), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2023 URL
447 전자책 Advances in the collision and grounding of ships and offshore structures : proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (ICCGS 2023), Nantes, France, 11-13 September 2023 / 미리보기
International Conference on Collision and Grounding of Ships and Offshore Structures (9th : 2023 : Nantes, France), CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group 2024 URL
448 전자책 Advances in the diagnosis and evaluation of disabling physical health conditions / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Identifying New or Improved Diagnostic or Evaluative Techniques 2023 URL
449 전자책 Advances in the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms [electronic resource] / 미리보기
Eriksson, Tor Emerald 2010 URL
450 전자책 Advances on international economics / 미리보기
Di?az-Rolda?n, Carmen Perote, Javier 2015 URL
451 전자책 Advancing Aerial Mobility : A National Blueprint [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Enhancing Air Mobility -- a National Blueprint National Academies Press 2020 URL
452 전자책 Advancing Aerial Mobility : A National Blueprint [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Enhancing Air Mobility -- a National Blueprint National Academies Press 2020 URL
453 전자책 Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations : Beyond Broadening Participation [electronic resource] 미리보기
Vargas, Emily A. Scherer, Layne A. Fiske, Susan T. Barabino, Gilda A. National Academies Press 2023 URL
454 전자책 Advancing Big Data Analytics for Healthcare Service Delivery [electronic resource]. 미리보기
Iyamu, Tiko. Taylor & Francis Group 2022 URL
455 전자책 Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Leadership of Competed Space Missions / [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Increasing Diversity and Inclusion in the Leadership of Competed Spac 2022 URL
456 전자책 Advancing Effective Obesity Communications : Proceedings of a Workshop [electronic resource] 미리보기
Callahan, Emily A. National Academies Press 2020 URL
457 전자책 Advancing Progress in the Development and Implementation of Effective, High-Quality Cancer Screening : Proceedings of a Workshop. [electronic resource] 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. National Academies Press 2021 URL
458 전자책 Advancing Understanding of Offshore Oil and Gas Systemic Risk in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico : Current State and Safety Reforms since the Macondo Well?Deepwater Horizon Blowout 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.) National Academies Press 2023 URL
459 전자책 Advancing commercialization of digital products from federal laboratories / 미리보기
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Advancing Commercialization from the Federal Laboratories. 2021 URL
460 전자책 Advancing concepts and models for measuring innovation : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
Mackie, Christopher D. the National Academies Press 2017 URL
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