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검색어[가나다ABC : A]
240건 중 240건 출력
9/12 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2014 삭제


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
161 전자책 Art before the law / 미리보기
Ronen, Ruth 2014 URL
162 전자책 Art theory as visual epistemology / 미리보기
Klinke, Harald 2014 URL
163 전자책 Artificial intelligence research and development : recent advances and applications / 미리보기
Catalonian Conference on AI, (17th : 2014 : Barcelona, Spain) 2014 URL
164 전자책 Asian American women's popular literature : feminizing genres and neoliberal belonging / 미리보기
Thoma, Pamela S. 2014 URL
165 전자책 Ask Anything : a Pastoral Theology of Inquiry 미리보기
Dayringer, Richard L. Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
166 전자책 Aspects of psychologism / 미리보기
Crane, Tim. 2014 URL
167 전자책 Assessing disorganized attachment behaviour in children : an evidence-based model for understanding and supporting families / 미리보기
Shemmings, David. Shemmings, Yvonne. 2014 URL
168 전자책 Assessing genomic sequencing information for health care decision making : workshop summary / 미리보기
Assessing Genomic Sequencing Information for Health Care Decision Making (Workshop). author (2014 : Washington, D.C.) 2014 URL
169 전자책 Assessing health professional education : workshop summary / 미리보기
Assessing Health Professional Education (Workshop) (2013 : Washington, D.C.), 2014 URL
170 전자책 Assessment and evaluation of time factors in online teaching and learning / 미리보기
Barbera, Elena Reimann, Peter 2014 URL
171 전자책 Assessment and outcomes in the art therapies : a person-centred approach / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Miller, Caroline Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2014 URL
172 전자책 Assigning Liability for Superfund Cleanups : an Analysis of Policy Options 미리보기
Probst, Katherine N. Taylor and Francis 2014 URL
173 전자책 Assimilating Seoul : Japanese rule and the politics of public space in colonial Korea, 1910-1945 / 미리보기
Henry, Todd A. 2014 URL
174 전자책 Assumptions of social psychology : a reexamination / 미리보기
Lana, Robert E. Psychology Press 2014 URL
175 전자책 At the nexus of cybersecurity and public policy : some basic concepts and issues / 미리보기
Clark, David D. Berson, T. A. Lin, Herbert 2014 URL
176 전자책 Athens / 미리보기
McGregor, James H. 2014 URL
177 전자책 Athens, Rome, and England: America's Constitutional Heritage 미리보기
Pauley, Matthew A. 2014 URL
178 전자책 Athletic training clinical workbook : a guide to the competencies / 미리보기
Miller-Isaac, Kim 2014 URL
179 전자책 Atkins diet ebook gift set / 미리보기
Atkins, Robert C. [Taylor Trade Publishing] 2014 URL
180 전자책 Attaching through love, hugs and play : simple strategies to help build connections with your child / 미리보기
Gray, Deborah D. 2014 URL
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