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49건 중 49건 출력
1/3 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 Adventures in sustainable urbanism / 미리보기
Krueger, Robert State University of New York 2019 URL
2 전자책 Adventures in sustainable urbanism / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Krueger, Robert State University of New York 2019 URL
3 전자책 Alan Watts--in the academy : essays and lectures / 미리보기
Watts, Alan State University of New York 2017 URL
4 전자책 Alton's paradox : foreign film workers and the emergence of industrial cinema in Latin America / 미리보기
Poppe, Nicolas State University of New York 2021 URL
5 전자책 Alton's paradox : foreign film workers and the emergence of industrial cinema in Latin America / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Poppe, Nicolas State University of New York 2021 URL
6 전자책 An accidental theodicy : genuflexions on a fractured knee / 미리보기
Sharma, Arvind State University of New York 2020 URL
7 전자책 An accidental theodicy : genuflexions on a fractured knee / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Sharma, Arvind State University of New York 2020 URL
8 전자책 Anthropology and civilizational analysis : Eurasian explorations / 미리보기
A?rnason, Jo?hann Pa?ll Hann, C. M. State University of New York 2018 URL
9 전자책 Anti-music : jazz and racial Blackness in German thought between the Wars / 미리보기
Thompson, Mark Christian State University of New York 2018 URL
10 전자책 Appreciating the Chinese difference : engaging Roger T. Ames on methods, issues, and roles / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Behuniak, James State University of New York 2018 URL
11 전자책 Aristotle on God's life-generating power and on pneuma as its vehicle / 미리보기
Bos, A. P. State University of New York 2018 URL
12 전자책 Beautiful, bright, and blinding : phenomenological aesthetics and the life of art / 미리보기
Steeves, H. Peter State University of New York 2017 URL
13 전자책 Beyond beauty / 미리보기
Vercellone, Federico State University of New York 2017 URL
14 전자책 Bounded integration : the religion-state relationship and democratic performance in Turkey and Israel / 미리보기
Rubin, Aviad State University of New York 2020 URL
15 전자책 Bounded integration : the religion-state relationship and democratic performance in Turkey and Israel / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Rubin, Aviad State University of New York 2020 URL
16 전자책 Complex effects of international relations : intended and unintended consequences of human actions in the Middle East / 미리보기
Israeli, Ofer State University of New York 2020 URL
17 전자책 Complex effects of international relations : intended and unintended consequences of human actions in the Middle East / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Israeli, Ofer State University of New York 2020 URL
18 전자책 Confucianism for the contemporary world : global order, political plurality, and social action / 미리보기
Hon, Tze-Ki State University of New York 2017 URL
19 전자책 Confucianism's prospects : a reassessment / [electronic resource] 미리보기
O'Dwyer, Shaun State University of New York 2019 URL
20 전자책 Defining religion : essays in philosophy of religion / 미리보기
Neville, Robert C. State University of New York 2018 URL
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