가야대학교 분성도서관

상단 글로벌/추가 메뉴

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검색 타입
검색어[가나다ABC : 전체]
19건 중 19건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
National Research Council (U.S.) Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences 삭제


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No 자료
서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 2015-2016 assessment of the army research laboratory : interim report / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Army Research Laboratory Technical Assessment Board National Academies Press 2016 URL
2 전자책 A review of the next generation air transportation system : implications and importance of system architecture / 미리보기
Liddle, David E Millett, Lynette I. 2015 URL
3 전자책 Affordability of National flood insurance program premiums : Report 1 / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on the Affordability of National Flood Insurance Program Premiums 2015 URL
4 전자책 Assessment of solid-state lighting, phase two / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Assessment of Solid-State Lighting National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Energy and Environmenta National Academies Press 2017 URL
5 전자책 Autonomy research for civil aviation : toward a new era of flight / 미리보기
Warchocki, Tim 2014 URL
6 전자책 Bulk collection of signals intelligence : technical options / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Responding to Section 5(d) of Presidential Policy Directive 28: The Feasibility of Software to Provid 2015 URL
7 전자책 Developing a 21st century global library for mathematics research / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Planning a Global Library of the Mathematical Sciences 2014 URL
8 전자책 Development planning : a strategic approach to future Air Force capabilities / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the U.S. Air Force Pre-Acquisition Development Planning 2014 URL
9 전자책 Evaluation of the implementation of WFIRST/AFTA in the context of new worlds, new horizons in astronomy and astrophysics [electronic resource] / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on an Assessment of the Astrophysics Focused Telescope Assets (AFTA) Mission Concepts The National Academies Press 2014 URL
10 전자책 Future directions for NSF advanced computing infrastructure to support U.S. science and engineering in 2017-2020 : interim report / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science in 2017-2020 2014 URL
11 전자책 Interim report on 21st century cyber-physical systems education / 미리보기
Committee on 21st Century Cyber-Physical Systems Education 2015 URL
12 전자책 Optimizing the U.S. ground-based optical and infrared astronomy system / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on a Strategy to Optimize the U.S. Optical and Infrared System in the Era of the Large Synoptic Survey T 2015 URL
13 전자책 Overcoming barriers to electric-vehicle deployment : interim report / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Overcoming Barriers to Electric-Vehicle Deployment 2013 URL
14 전자책 Review criteria for successful treatment of hydrolysate at the Pueblo chemical agent destruction pilot plant / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee On Review Criteria for Successful Treatment of Hydrolysate at the Pueblo and Blue Grass Chemical Agent D 2015 URL
15 전자책 Robust methods for the analysis of images and videos for fisheries stock assessment : summary of a workshop / 미리보기
Mellody, Maureen 2014 URL
16 전자책 Sharing the adventure with the student : exploring the intersections of NASA space science and education : a workshop summary / 미리보기
Day, Dwayne 2015 URL
17 전자책 The resilience of the electric power delivery system in response to terrorism and natural disasters : summary of a workshop / 미리보기
Cooke, David W. 2013 URL
18 전자책 Transformation in the air : a review of the FAA's Certification Research Plan / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee to Review the Federal Aviation Administration Research Plan on Certification of New Technologies into th 2015 URL
19 전자책 Triennial review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative / 미리보기
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Triennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative: Phase II National Research Council (U.S.) 2013 URL


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