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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
21 전자책 Between the tracks : musicians on selected electronic music / 미리보기
Puckette, Miller Hagan, Kerry L. The MIT Press 2020 URL
22 전자책 Bicycling science / 미리보기
Wilson, David Gordon The MIT Press 2020 URL
23 전자책 Biomechanics of movement : the science of sports, robotics, and rehabilitation / 미리보기
Uchida, Thomas K. The MIT Press 2020 URL
24 전자책 Biomechanics of movement : the science of sports, robotics, and rehabilitation / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Uchida, Thomas K. The MIT Press 2020 URL
25 전자책 Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptoassets : a comprehensive introduction / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Schar, Fabian. The MIT Press 2020 URL
26 전자책 Built on sand : the science of granular materials / 미리보기
Guyon, Etienne The MIT Press 2020 URL
27 전자책 Changing connectomes : evolution, development, and dynamics in network neuroscience / 미리보기
Kaiser, Marcus The MIT Press 2020 URL
28 전자책 Child data citizen : how tech companies are profiling us from before birth / 미리보기
Barassi, Veronica The MIT Press 2020 URL
29 전자책 Child data citizen : how tech companies are profiling us from before birth / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Barassi, Veronica The MIT Press 2020 URL
30 전자책 Circuit design with VHDL / 미리보기
Pedroni, Volnei A. The MIT Press 2020 URL
31 전자책 Circuit design with VHDL / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Pedroni, Volnei A. The MIT Press 2020 URL
32 전자책 Classification in the wild : the art and science of transparent decision making / 미리보기
Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V. The MIT Press 2020 URL
33 전자책 Classification in the wild : the art and science of transparent decision making / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Katsikopoulos, Konstantinos V. The MIT Press 2020 URL
34 전자책 Coding democracy : how hackers are disrupting power, surveillance, and authoritarianism / 미리보기
Webb, Maureen The MIT Press 2020 URL
35 전자책 Coding democracy : how hackers are disrupting power, surveillance, and authoritarianism / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Webb, Maureen The MIT Press 2020 URL
36 전자책 Collaborative society / 미리보기
Jemielniak, Dariusz The MIT Press 2020 URL
37 전자책 Concentration : staying focused in times of distraction / [electronic resource] 미리보기
Stigchel, Stefan van der The MIT Press 2020 URL
38 전자책 Contingency and convergence : toward a cosmic biology of body and mind / 미리보기
Powell, Russell The MIT Press 2020 URL
39 전자책 Contraception : a concise history / 미리보기
Drucker, Donna J. The MIT Press 2020 URL
40 전자책 Cosmic odyssey : how intrepid astronomers at Palomar Observatory changed our view of the universe / 미리보기
Schweizer, Linda Younker The MIT Press 2020 URL
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