가야대학교 분성도서관

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검색 타입
검색어[전방일치/ 주제어:POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public Policy / Social Security]
401건 중 401건 출력
1/41 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 출판사 청구기호 출판년 수록
1 전자책 The cost of inaction for young children globally : workshop summary / 미리보기
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Investing in Young Children Globally: the Cost of Inaction (Workshop). author (2014 : Washington, D.C.) 362.7 2014 URL
2 전자책 Policy and politics for nurses and other health professionals : advocacy and action / [electronic resource] 미리보기
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Nickitas, Donna M. Middaugh, Donna J. Feeg, Veronica D. 362.10973 2020 URL
3 전자책 Essentials of health policy and law / [electronic resource] 미리보기
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Teitelbaum, Joel Bern 362.10973 2020 URL
4 전자책 The end of a global pox : America and the eradication of smallpox in the Cold War era / 미리보기
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Reinhardt, Bob H. 362.1969/12 2015 URL
5 전자책 Building a national capability to monitor and assess medical countermeasure use during a public health emergency : going beyond the last mile: proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
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Boname, Morgan L. National Academies Press 362.180973 2017 URL
6 전자책 Impact of the global medical supply chain on SNS operations and communications : proceedings of a workshop / 미리보기
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Mack, Alison National Academies Press 362.18 2018 URL
7 전자책 Opportunities for organ donor intervention research : saving lives by improving the quality and quantity of organs for transplantation / 미리보기
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Liverman, Catharyn T. Domnitz, Sarah Brooke Childress, James F. National Academies Press 362.1783 2017 URL
8 전자책 Opportunities for improving programs and services for children with disabilities / 미리보기
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National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Improving Health Outcomes for Children with Disabilities National Academies Press 362.4048083 2018 URL
9 전자책 Long-term care administration and management : effective practices and quality programs in eldercare / 미리보기
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Yee-Melichar, Darlene Flores, Cristina M. Cabigao, Edwin P. 362.2/3 2014 URL
10 전자책 Fostering on the farm : child placement in the rural Midwest / 미리보기
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Birk, Megan 362.73/3097709034 2015 URL
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