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검색어[전방일치/ 저자:Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Board on Health Sciences Policy.]
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1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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서명 저자 출판사 청구기호 출판년 수록
1 전자책 Nationwide response issues after an improvised nuclear device attack : medical and public health considerations for neighboring jurisdictions : workshop summary / [electronic resource] 미리보기
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Davis, Miriam Reeve, Megan Altevogt, Bruce M. 362.2 2014 URL
2 전자책 The future of home health care : workshop summary / 미리보기
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Future of Home Health Care (Workshop) (2014 : Washington, D.C.), 362.14 2015 URL
3 전자책 Review of NASA's Evidence reports on human health risks : 2013 letter report / 미리보기
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Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee to Review NASA's Evidence Reports on Human Health Risks 616.980214 2014 URL
4 전자책 Improving genetics education in graduate and continuing health professional education : workshop summary / 미리보기
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Berger, Adam C. Johnson, Samuel G. Beachy, Sarah H. Olson, Steve 576.50711 2015 URL
5 전자책 Hearing loss and healthy aging : workshop summary / [electronic resource] 미리보기
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Hearing Loss and Healthy Aging (Workshop) (2014 : Washington, D.C.), 362.4/208460973 2014 URL
6 전자책 Stem cell therapies : opportunities for ensuring the quality and safety for clinical offerings : summary of a joint workshop by the Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences, and the International Society for Stem Cell Research / 미리보기
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Stem Cell Therapies: Opportunities for Ensuring the Quality and Safety of Unregulated Clinical Offerings (Workshop) (2013 : Washington, D.C.) 616.02/774 2014 URL
7 전자책 Potential risks and benefits of gain-of-function research : summary of workshop / 미리보기
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Sharples, Frances Ellen 614.4273 2015 URL
8 전자책 Global health risk framework : research and development of medical products : workshop summary / 미리보기
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Wizemann, Theresa M. National Academies Press 614.4 2016 URL
9 전자책 Use and effectiveness of powered air purifying respirators in health care : workshop summary / 미리보기
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Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Board on Health Sciences Policy 681.76 2015 URL
10 전자책 Health standards for long duration and exploration spaceflight : ethics principles, responsibilities, and decision framework / 미리보기
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Kahn, Jeffrey P. Liverman, Catharyn T. McCoy, Margaret A. 616.9/80214 2014 URL
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