가야대학교 분성도서관

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검색 타입
검색어[전방일치/ 서명:NATO science for peace and security series E Human and societal dynamics ]
19건 중 19건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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서명 저자 출판사 출판년 수록
1 전자책 Piracy and maritime terrorism : logistics, strategies, scenarios / [electronic resource] 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Piracy and Maritime Terrorism: Logistics, Strategies, Scenarios (2009 : Lisbon, Portugal) IOS Press 2012 URL
2 전자책 Cyber Defense : Policies, Operations and Capacity Building : CYDEF 2018 / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cyber Defense Capacity Building (2018 : Tokyo, Japan), IOS Press 2019 URL
3 전자책 Analyzing different dimensions and new threats in defence against terrorism [electronic resource] / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Training Course on Analyzing Different Dimenions and New Trends in Defence Against Terrorism (2011 : Kiev, Ukraine) IOS Press 2012 URL
4 전자책 Maritime security and defence against terrorism [electronic resource] / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Maritime Security and Defense Against Terrorism (2010 : Ankara, Turkey) IOS Press 2012 URL
5 전자책 Countering terrorism and urban warfare : training and informative operations / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Training Course on Countering Terrorism: Training and Informative Operations (2017 : Herzliya, Israel) IOS Press 2018 URL
6 전자책 Legal framework for strengthening nuclear security and combating nuclear terrorism [electronic resource] / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Legal Framework for Strengthening Nuclear Security and Combating Nuclear Terrorism (2010 : Vienna, Austria) IOS Press 2012 URL
7 전자책 Critical infrastructure protection / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection (2012 : Ankara, Turkey) 2014 URL
8 전자책 Engaging the public to fight the consequences of terrorism and disasters / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Engaging the Public to Fight the Consequences of Terrorism and Disasters (2014 : Tbilisi, Georgian) 2015 URL
9 전자책 Lone actors -- an emerging security threat / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lone Actors -- An Emerging Security Threat (2014 : Jerusalem, Israel) 2015 URL
10 전자책 Perspectives on immigration and terrorism [electronic resource] / 미리보기
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Perspectives on Immigration and Terrorism (2010 : Milan, Italy) IOS Press 2011 URL
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