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Ecological silvicultural systems : exemplary models for sustainable forest management /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Palik, Brian, editor.
D'Amato, Anthony W., editor.
서명/저자사항Ecological silvicultural systems :exemplary models for sustainable forest management /edited by Brian J. Palik, Anthony W. D'Amato.
발행사항Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2024.
형태사항1 online resource (xix, 315 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (some color)
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기The context of ecological silviculture ; Ecological silviculture for Great Lakes red pine ecosystems / Brian J. Palik and Anthony W. D'Amato -- Ecological silviculture for northern hardwood ecosystems of northeastern U.S. / Anthony W. D'Amato -- Ecological silviculture in Douglas-fir-western-hemlock ecosystems / Abraham Wheeler, Jerry F. Franklin, and Stephanie J. Wessell -- Ecological silviculture for longleaf pine woodlands in the southeastern U.S. / Steven B. Jack, Benjamin O. Knapp, and R. Kevin McIntyre -- Ecological silviculture for southeastern US pine-oak forests / Justin L. Hart, J. Davis Goode, and Daniel C. Dey -- Ecological silviculture for lowland wet conifer forest lake states / Marcella A. Windmuller-Campione, Laura F. Reuling, Robert A. Slesak, and Randy K. Kolka -- Ecological silviculture for southern Appalachian hardwood forests / Jodi A. Forrester, Tara L. Keyser, and David K. Schnake -- Ecological silviculture for yellow birch-conifer mixedwoods in eastern Canada / Patricia Raymond and Daniel Dumais -- Ecological silviculture of black spruce in Canadian boreal forests / Miguel Montoro Girona, Martin Alcala Pajares, and Maxence Martin -- Ecological silviculture for Acadian forests / Robert S. Seymour -- Ecological silviculture for Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests / Robert A. York -- Ecological silviculture for aspen mixedwoods in western Canada / S. Ellen Macdonald, Philip G. Comeau, Charles A. Nock, and Brad D. Pinno -- Ecological silviculture for interior ponderosa pine and dry mixed-conifer ecosystems / Andrew J. Larson and Derek J. Churchill -- Ecological silviculture for North American Pacific coastal temperate rainforests / Justin S. Crotteau, William J. Beese, John-Pascal Berrill, Robert L. Deal, Constance A. Harrington, and Kellen N. Nelson -- Ecological silviculture for oak ecosystems of the central hardwoods region, USA / Miranda T. Curzon and John M. Kabrick -- Ecological silviculture for Fennoscandian Scots pine ecosystems / Timo Kuuluvainen and Timo Pukkala -- Silvicultural systems in the mountain ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia / David B. Lindenmayer -- Ecological silviculture for European beech-dominated forest ecosystems / Thomas A. Nagel, Miroslav Svoboda, Lucie Vitkova?, and Dus?an Roz?enbergar -- Ecological silviculture for Chilean temperate rainforests / Pablo J. Donoso and Daniel P. Soto -- The place of ecological silviculture, now and in the future / Anthony W. D'Amato and Brian J. Palik.
요약"The subject of our proposed book is broadly ecological silviculture, which is a transformative approach for managing forests ecosystems based on emulation of natural models of development and that explicitly incorporates ecological objectives into prescriptions for on-the-ground activities. Specifically, our proposal is for a book that presents examples of comprehensive forest developmental models and corresponding ecological silvicultural systems for major temperate and boreal forests in North America, as well as select forest ecosystems in Europe, South American, and Australasia. These examples will be presented in contributed chapters written by innovators in the field. We are pioneers in developing the fundamental concepts of ecological silviculture and translating concepts into principles and guidelines for on-the-ground management, having already authored the first of its kind textbook on the subject (Palik et al. 2020, Waveland Press), as well as several other influential papers that addresses various aspects of ecological silviculture (e.g., Franklin, Mitchell, and Palik 2007; D'Amato et al. 2017; Palik and D'Amato 2017; D'Amato and Palik 2021). In our textbook (Palik et al. 2020), we were only able to highlight four examples of ecological silviculture systems, all from the United States and focused on only a limited suite of ecosystems. We know there is wealth of additional exemplary approaches to ecological silviculture that can be highlighted in our proposed book, making the knowledge and experience of innovators in the field readily available to a global population of interested stakeholders"--
일반주제명Sustainable forestry.
Forest ecology.
Forest management -- Environmental aspects.
Foresterie durable.
E?cologie forestie?re.
Fore?ts -- Gestion -- Aspect de l'environnement.
Sustainable forestry
Forest ecology
Forest management -- Environmental aspects
기타형태 저록Print version:Ecological silvicultural systems.Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 20249781119890904


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