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Practicing sectarianism : archival and ethnographic interventions on Lebanon /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Deeb, Lara, 1974-, editor.
Nalbantian, Tsolin, editor.
Sbaiti, Nadya, editor.
서명/저자사항Practicing sectarianism :archival and ethnographic interventions on Lebanon /edited by Lara Deeb, Tsolin Nalbantian, and Nadya Sbaiti.
발행사항Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2023]
형태사항1 online resource (x, 242 pages) : illustrations
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기No room for this story : education and the limits of sectarianism during the Mandate Era / Nadya Sbaiti -- Negotiating citizenship : Shi'i families and the Ja'fari shari'a courts / Linda Sayed -- The archive is burning : law, unknowability, and the curation of history / Maya Mikdashi -- Donating in the name of the nation : charity, sectarianism, and the mahjar / Reem Bailony -- Along and beyond sect? : Olfactory aesthetics and Rum Orthodox identity / Roxana Maria Ara?s偈 -- From murder in New York To salvation from Beirut : Armenian intra-sectarianism / Tsolin Nalbantian -- Inequality and identity : social class, urban space and sect / Joanne Randa Nucho -- When exposure is not enough : sectarianism as a response to mixed marriage / Lara Deeb.
요약"Practicing Sectarianism explores the imaginative and contradictory ways that people live sectarianism. Essays use the concept as an animating principle within a variety of sites across Lebanon and its diasporas and over a range of historical periods. With contributions from historians and anthropologists, this volume reveals the many ways sectarianism is used to exhibit, imagine, or contest power: What forms of affective pull does it have on people and communities? What epistemological work does it do as a concept? How does it function as a marker of social difference? Examining social interaction, each essay analyzes how people experience sectarianism, sometimes pushing back, sometimes evading it, sometimes deploying it strategically, to a variety of effects and consequences. The collection advances an understanding of sectarianism simultaneously constructed and experienced, a slippery and changeable concept with material effects. And even as the book's focus is Lebanon, its analysis fractures the association of sectarianism with the nation-state and suggests possibilities that can travel to other sites. Practicing Sectarianism , taken as a whole, argues that sectarianism can only be fully understood--and dismantled--if we first take it seriously as a practice"--
일반주제명Communalism -- Lebanon.
Communalism -- Religious aspects.
Sects -- Political aspects -- Lebanon.
Sects -- Social aspects -- Lebanon.
Communalisme -- Liban.
Communalisme -- Aspect religieux.
Sectes -- Aspect politique -- Liban.
Sectes -- Aspect social -- Liban.
Communalism -- Religious aspects
Ethnic relations
주제명(지명)Lebanon -- Ethnic relations.Lebanon -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Practicing sectarianismStanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2022]9781503631090


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