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Representing God : Christian Legal Activism in Contemporary England / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자McIvor, Meadhbh, 1978-, author.
단체저자명Project Muse.,distributor.
서명/저자사항Representing God :Christian Legal Activism in Contemporary England /Meadhbh McIvor.[electronic resource]
발행사항Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2020.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

요약"Over the past two decades, increasing numbers of Britons possessing Christian views and beliefs have taken to the courts to enforce what are framed as "religious rights" under both European and domestic legislation. These cases typically involve Christians who have been penalized for seeking faith-based exemptions from their conditions of employment - e.g. Christian registrars who claim a conscientious objection to registering the marriages or civil partnerships of same-sex couples, or employees who ask for exceptions to uniform policies that forbid the visible wearing of religious jewellery (crosses and crucifixes). Observers of American politics and culture will be familiar with the view that devout Christians are victims of secular intolerance. American right-wing evangelical groups have launched well-funded legal challenges to federal and state laws with a view to establishing opt-out or conscientious objection provisions of the sort noted above. (Some of these cases will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court soon.) The American connection to the English controversies is direct, as the legal activism of English lobby organizations such as the Christian Legal Centre (CLC) is inspired by American conservative legal strategies - and CLC also receives donations from American sources. (Although it should be noted that most of CLC's donor base is English.) This is an especially delicate matter in England - a country which maintains an established Church but which remains wary of those who "do God" in public. This book is an ethnographic investigation of this contemporary issue and is based on the author's two years of ethnographic research split between a conservative Christian lobby group (CLC) and a conservative evangelical church in London. The author reveals that evangelicals on the ground are deeply ambivalent about the impact of this "legal theology". Although some wholeheartedly support the legal battles waged by organizations like CLC and see them as essential for allowing them to discharge their missionary obligations, others are concerned about the possible negative consequences of using secular law as a vehicle for their faith and the potential damage such legal strategies might do to their efforts to spread the Gospel"--
일반주제명Religion and law -- Great Britain.
Freedom of religion -- Great Britain.
Christianity and politics -- Great Britain.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology of Religion
Christianity and politics
Freedom of religion
Religion and law
주제명(지명)Great Britain -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:McIvor, Me?adhbhRepresenting God : Christian Legal Activism in Contemporary EnglandPrinceton : Princeton University Press,c20209780691193625


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