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Super courses : the future of teaching and learning / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Bain, Ken, author.
서명/저자사항Super courses :the future of teaching and learning /Ken Bain ; with Marsha Marshall Bain.[electronic resource]
발행사항Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2021]
형태사항1 online resource (x, 287 pages)
소장본 주기WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Part I.The idea.Pinning our hopes on our machines --How we learnPart II.The courses.A new kind of university --Books behind bars --Diverse classes --From Charlottesville to Singapore and beyond : searching for super courses --Self-directed learning and big questions : from the DIY girls to Hurricane Katrina --Peer instruction and then some --Remaking a super course --Soup of interdisciplinary learning --Integration of abilities --Fostering growth mindsets --A super course department --A personal journey toward a super course --All knowledge is related --The pedagogy of getting out --Grades.
요약"From the bestselling author of What the Best College Teachers Do, the story of a new breed of amazingly innovative courses that inspire students and improve learning Decades of research have produced profound insights into how student learning and motivation can be unleashed--and it's not through technology or even the best of lectures. In Super Courses, education expert and bestselling author Ken Bain tells the fascinating story of enterprising college, graduate school, and high school teachers who are using evidence-based approaches to spark deeper levels of learning, critical thinking, and creativity--whether teaching online, in class, or in the field. Visiting schools across the United States as well as in China and Singapore, Bain, working with his longtime collaborator, Marsha Marshall Bain, uncovers super courses throughout the humanities and sciences. At the University of Virginia, undergrads contemplate the big questions that drove Tolstoy--by working with juveniles at a maximum-security correctional facility. Harvard physics students learn about the universe not through lectures but from their peers in a class where even reading is a social event. And students at a Dallas high school use dance to develop growth mindsets--and many of them go on to top colleges, including Juilliard. Bain defines these as super courses because they all use powerful researched-based elements to build a "natural critical learning environment" that fosters intrinsic motivation, self-directed learning, and self-reflective reasoning. Complete with sample syllabi, the book shows teachers how they can build their own super courses. The story of a hugely important breakthrough in education, Super Courses reveals how these classes can help students reach their full potential, equip them to lead happy and productive lives, and meet the world's complex challenges"--
일반주제명College teaching.
Education, Higher -- Curricula.
Curriculum change.
Learning, Psychology of.
College teaching
Curriculum change
Education, Higher -- Curricula
Learning, Psychology of
기타형태 저록Print version:Bain, Ken.Super courses.Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2021]9780691185460


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