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Alien Oceans : the Search for Life in the Depths of Space /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hand, Kevin.
서명/저자사항Alien Oceans :the Search for Life in the Depths of Space /Kevin Peter Hand.
발행사항Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2020]
형태사항1 online resource (303 pages)
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Prologue: The Bottom --Chapter 1. Ocean Worlds on Earth and Beyond --Chapter 2. The New Goldilocks --Chapter 3. The Rainbow Connection --Chapter 4. Babysitting a Spacecraft --Chapter 5. How I Learned to Love Airport Security --Chapter 6. Lady with a Veil --Chapter 7. The Queen of Carbon --Chapter 8. Oceans Everywhere 120 --Chapter 9. Becoming Inhabited --Chapter 10. Origins in an Alien Ocean --Chapter 11. Building an Ocean World Biosphere --Chapter 12. The Octopus and the Hammer --Chapter 13. A Periodic Table for Life 207 --Chapter 14. Seeking Signs of Life --Chapter 15. A New Age of Ocean Exploration
요약Inside the epic quest to find life on the water-rich moons at the outer reaches of the solar systemWhere is the best place to find life beyond Earth? We often look to Mars as the most promising site in our solar system, but recent scientific missions have revealed that some of the most habitable real estate may actually lie farther away. Beneath the frozen crusts of several of the small, ice-covered moons of Jupiter and Saturn lurk vast oceans that may have been in existence for as long as Earth, and together may contain more than fifty times its total volume of liquid water. Could there be organisms living in their depths? Alien Oceans reveals the science behind the thrilling quest to find out. Kevin Peter Hand is one of today's leading NASA scientists, and his pioneering research has taken him on expeditions around the world. In this captivating account of scientific discovery, he brings together insights from planetary science, biology, and the adventures of scientists like himself to explain how we know that oceans exist within moons of the outer solar system, like Europa, Titan, and Enceladus. He shows how the exploration of Earth's ocean is informing our understanding of the potential habitability of these icy moons, and draws lessons from what we have learned about the origins of life on our own planet to consider how life could arise on these distant worlds. Alien Oceans describes what lies ahead in our search for life in our solar system and beyond, setting the stage for the transformative discoveries that may await us.
일반주제명Life on other planets.
SCIENCE -- Space Science.
기타형태 저록Print version:Hand, Kevin.Alien Oceans : The Search for Life in the Depths of Space.Princeton : Princeton University Press, 짤20209780691179513


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