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R deep learning essentials : a step-by-step guide to building deep learning models using TensorFlow, Keras, and MXNet / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hodnett, Mark, author.
Wiley, Joshua F., author.
서명/저자사항R deep learning essentials :a step-by-step guide to building deep learning models using TensorFlow, Keras, and MXNet /Mark Hodnett, Joshua F. Wiley.[electronic resource]
판사항Second edition.
발행사항Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050, 072, 650

일반주기 Includes index.
Document classification.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Getting Started with Deep Learning; What is deep learning?; A conceptual overview of neural networks; Neural networks as an extension of linear regression; Neural networks as a network of memory cells; Deep neural networks; Some common myths about deep learning; Setting up your R environment; Deep learning frameworks for R; MXNet; Keras; Do I need a GPU (and what is it, anyway)?; Setting up reproducible results; Summary; Chapter 2: Training a Prediction Model; Neural networks in R.
Building neural network modelsGenerating predictions from a neural network; The problem of overfitting data -- the consequences explained; Use case -- building and applying a neural network; Summary; Chapter 3: Deep Learning Fundamentals; Building neural networks from scratch in R; Neural network web application; Neural network code; Back to deep learning; The symbol, X, y, and ctx parameters; The num.round and begin.round parameters; The optimizer parameter; The initializer parameter; The eval.metric and eval.data parameters; The epoch.end.callback parameter; The array.batch.size parameter.
Using regularization to overcome overfittingL1 penalty; L1 penalty in action; L2 penalty; L2 penalty in action; Weight decay (L2 penalty in neural networks); Ensembles and model-averaging; Use case -- improving out-of-sample model performance using dropout; Summary; Chapter 4: Training Deep Prediction Models; Getting started with deep feedforward neural networks; Activation functions; Introduction to the MXNet deep learning library; Deep learning layers; Building a deep learning model; Use case -- using MXNet for classification and regression; Data download and exploration.
Preparing the data for our modelsThe binary classification model; The regression model; Improving the binary classification model; The unreasonable effectiveness of data; Summary; Chapter 5: Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks; CNNs; Convolutional layers; Pooling layers; Dropout; Flatten layers, dense layers, and softmax; Image classification using the MXNet library; Base model (no convolutional layers); LeNet; Classification using the fashion MNIST dataset; References/further reading; Summary; Chapter 6: Tuning and Optimizing Models.
Evaluation metrics and evaluating performanceTypes of evaluation metric; Evaluating performance; Data preparation; Different data distributions; Data partition between training, test, and validation sets; Standardization; Data leakage; Data augmentation; Using data augmentation to increase the training data; Test time augmentation; Using data augmentation in deep learning libraries; Tuning hyperparameters; Grid search; Random search; Use case-using LIME for interpretability; Model interpretability with LIME; Summary; Chapter 7: Natural Language Processing Using Deep Learning.
요약This book demonstrates how to use deep Learning in R for machine learning, image classification, and natural language processing. It covers topics such as convolutional networks, recurrent neural networks, transfer learning and deep learning in the cloud. By the end of this book, you will be able to apply deep learning to real-world projects.
일반주제명R (Computer program language)
Artificial intelligence.
Machine learning.
Neural networks (Computer science)
MATHEMATICS / Probability & Statistics / General.
기타형태 저록Print version:Hodnett, Mark.R Deep Learning Essentials : A Step-By-step Guide to Building Deep Learning Models Using TensorFlow, Keras, and MXNet, 2nd Edition.Birmingham : Packt Publishing Ltd, 짤20189781788992893


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