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Building serverless Python web services with Zappa : build and deploy serverless applications on AWS using Zappa / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자Barguzar, Abdulwahid Abdulhaque, author.
서명/저자사항Building serverless Python web services with Zappa :build and deploy serverless applications on AWS using Zappa /Abdulwahid Abdulhaque Barguzar.[electronic resource]
발행사항Birmingham, UK : Packt Publishing, 2018.
형태사항1 online resource : illustrations

일반주기 Includes index.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright and Credits; Dedication; Packt Upsell; Contributors; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Amazon Web Services for Serverless; Technical requirements; Transitioning from traditional server to serverless; Getting started with AWS Lambda; How AWS Lambda works; Configuration; Function code; Environment variables; Tags; Execution role; Basic settings; Network; Debugging and error handling; Monitoring; Executing the Lambda function; Creating Lambda triggers; Serverless RESTful API; AWS Lambda interaction with theAWS CLI; Installing the AWS CLI
Configuring the AWS CLIConfiguring Lambda function with the AWS CLI; Creating a Lambda function; Invoking the function; Create-event-source-mapping; Summary; Questions; Chapter 2: Getting Started with Zappa; Technical requirements; Hardware; Software; What is Zappa?; Installing and configuring Zappa; Building, testing, and deploying a Python web service using Zappa; Building the deployment package; What do you call this environment? (default dev); What do you want to call your bucket? (default zappa-2o2zd8dg4); What's your modular path to your app function? (default dev)
Would you like to deploy the application globally? (default n)The zappa_settings.json file; Deploying and testing hello world; Basic uses; Initial deployments; Update; Status; Tailing logs; Rollback; Undeploy; Package; Summary; Questions; Chapter 3: Building a Flask Application with Zappa; Technical requirements; What is Flask?; Installing Flask; A minimal Flask application; Configuring with Zappa; Building, testing, and deploying on AWS Lambda; A complete Flask Todo application; Prerequisite; Virtualenv; Flask extensions; Scaffolding; Configuration; Base model; Authentication; Blueprint
ModelsForms; Views; Templates; Todo; Blueprint; Model; Forms; Views; CREATE; RETRIEVE; UPDATE; DELETE; Templates; FLASK_APP; Deployment; Summary; Questions; Chapter 4: Building a Flask-Based REST API with Zappa; Technical requirements; Installing and configuring Flask; Flask extensions; Flask-JWT; Learning about JWT; Flask-RESTful; Begining with REST; Designing the REST API; Configuring the application settings; Implementing authentication; Implementing the todo API; Building, testing, and deploying the REST API using Zappa; Configuring Zappa; Initiating deployment using Zappa
Demonstrating the deployed applicationSign up API; Login API; Todo API; Todo API without authorization; Todo API with the authorization header; Summary; Questions; Chapter 5: Building a Django Application with Zappa; Technical requirements; Installing and configuring Django; Setting up a virtual environment; Installing pipenv; Configuring and installing packages; Designing an image gallery application; Design overview; Initializing the project; Implementing models; Integrating with the admin panel; Application demonstration; Configuring the Amazon CloudFront CDN
요약Serverless applications are quite popular, not just because they save developers the trouble of managing servers, but also because they provide several other benefits such as cutting heavy costs and improving the overall performance of the application. This book will teach you the fundamentals of creating efficient serverless applications.
주제명(단체명)Amazon Web Services (Firm)
Amazon Web Services (Firm) -- fast --
일반주제명Application software -- Development.
Cloud computing.
Application program interfaces (Computer software)
Python (Computer program language)
Application program interfaces (Computer software)
Application software -- Development.
Cloud computing.
Python (Computer program language)


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