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The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church : a chain linking two traditions / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자McLester, L. Gordon, editor.
Hauptman, Laurence M., editor.
Cornelius-Hawk, Judy, editor.
House, Kenneth Hoyan, editor.
서명/저자사항The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church :a chain linking two traditions /edited by L. Gordon McLester III, Laurence M. Hauptman, Judy Cornelius-Hawk and Kenneth Hoyan House.[electronic resource]
판사항First edition.
발행사항Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource
소장본 주기OCLC control number change

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Title Page; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Preface; Introduction; Part I: Christianity Comes to Oneida Country; Editors' Introduction to Part I; 1. The Oneida World before Christianity; 2. Oneidas and Missionaries, 1667-1816; 3. Flawed Shepherd: Eleazer Williams, John Henry Hobart, and the Episcopal Mission to the Oneidas; Part II: The Oneida Episcopal Mission: The First Century in Wisconsin; Editors' Introduction to Part II; 4. Another Leatherstocking Tale: Susan Fenimore Cooper, the Episcopal Church, and the Oneidas
5. A Mission of Mutuality: The Relationship between the Oneidas and the Nashotah House Theological Seminary6. Wearing Two Hats: Cornelius Hill and John Archiquette, Oneida Nation and Episcopal Church Leaders; 7. The Episcopal Mission 1853-1909: Three Church Accounts; Ellen Saxton Goodnough, "Christmastime at the Mission, 1869"; Rev. Solomon S. Burleson Describes Providing Medical Care at Oneida; Rev. Frank Wesley Merrill on Missionary Sybil Carter and the Oneida Women Lace Makers, 1899; Part III: Oneida First-Person Accounts of the Episcopal Church and Its Clergy
As I Remember the Women of the Oneida MissionOneida Lace-Making, Then and Now; The Oneida Hymn Singers; Part IV: Reflections on Wisconsin Oneida Episcopal Church Relations; 10. Putting Oneida Episcopal History in Perspective: American Indian Encounters with Christianity; 11. The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church: Then and Now; Contributors; Appendix A: Timeline; Appendix B: Episcopal Priests, Vicars, and Deacons Who Have Served the Oneidas in Wisconsin; Appendix C: Bishops Who Have Headed the Diocese; Bibliography; Index
요약"This unique collaboration by Oneida elders, academic historians, and Episcopal clergy tells the fascinating story of how the oldest Protestant mission and house of worship in the upper Midwest took root in the Oneida community. Personal bonds that developed between the Episcopal clergy and the Wisconsin Oneidas proved more important than theology in allowing the community to accept the Christian message brought by outsiders. Episcopal bishops and missionaries in Wisconsin were at times defenders of the Oneidas against outside whites attempting to get at their lands and resources. At other times, these clergy initiated projects that the Oneidas saw as beneficial, Gloria in Excelsis and the Te Deum as well as by employing Oneida in their singing of Christian hymns. Christianity continues to have real meaning for many American Indians. The Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church testifies to the power and legacy of that relationship"--Provided by publisher.
주제명(단체명)Episcopal Church -- Missions -- Wisconsin -- History.
Episcopal Church. -- fast --
일반주제명Oneida Indians -- Missions -- Wisconsin -- History.
Oneida Indians -- Missions.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural
주제명(지명)Wisconsin. -- fast
기타형태 저록Print version:Wisconsin Oneidas and the Episcopal Church.First edition.Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 20199780253041371


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