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Nature-inspired cyber security and resiliency : fundamentals, techniques and applications / [electronic resource]

상세 프로파일

개인저자El-Alfy, El-Sayed M., editor.
Eltoweissy, Mohamed., editor
Fulp, Errin W., editor
Mazurczyk, Wojciech, editor.
서명/저자사항Nature-inspired cyber security and resiliency :fundamentals, techniques and applications /edited by El-Sayed M. El-Alfy, Mohamed Eltoweissy, Errin W. Fulp, Wojciech Mazurczyk.[electronic resource]
발행사항Stevenage : Institution of Engineering & Technology, 2019.
형태사항1 online resource (xx, 454 pages).
총서사항IET security series ;10.
소장본 주기Added to collection customer.56279.3

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Intro; Contents; Preface; About the editors; 1. Nature-inspired analogies and metaphors for cyber security / Elzbieta Rzeszutko and Wojciech Mazurczyk; 1.1 Historical examples of the nature-inspired inventions; 1.2 Classification of the nature-inspired inventions; 1.3 Nature-inspired analogies and metaphors for cyber security: needed or not?; 1.3.1 Adaptability as a key factor in nature; 1.4 Cyber security ecology; 1.4.1 Cyber ecosystem; 1.4.2 Cyber-ecology and its subtypes; 1.4.3 Cyber ecosystem interactions; 1.5 Early nature-inspired terminology in cyber security
1.6 Recent nature-inspired analogies and metaphors for cyber security1.6.1 Nature-inspired cyber security inspired by an organism's characteristic feature/defence mechanism; 1.6.2 Nature-inspired cyber security inspired by organisms' interactions; 1.6.3 Generalised attack scenario analogy; 1.7 Conclusion and outlook; References; 2. When to turn to nature-inspired solutions for cyber systems / Nina H. Fefferman; 2.1 Why natural systems are tempting; 2.1.1 Analogous qualities in engineered cyber systems; 2.2 How biological systems develop solutions; 2.2.1 Darwinian evolution
2.2.2 Avoiding a common trap: best may not be good2.2.3 Does this make natural systems poor sources of inspiration?; 2.3 Evidence of success from nature-inspired efforts; 2.3.1 A standard pattern in nature-inspired design research; 2.4 A few of nature's tools; 2.4.1 Proximate cues; 2.4.2 Distributed decisions; 2.4.3 Error convergence; 2.5 Synergy among nature's tools; 2.6 Potential pitfalls in nature-inspired algorithms specific to cyber security and resilience; 2.6.1 Coevolutionary arms races; 2.6.2 Designed threats versus evolved threats
2.6.3 Trade-offs between security and privacy may be different for each design component2.7 When NOT to use nature-inspired algorithms; 2.8 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 3. Bioinspired collaboration and cyber security / Youna Jung; 3.1 Collaboration; 3.1.1 Computer-supported cooperative work; 3.1.2 Service-oriented architecture; 3.1.3 Online social networks; 3.1.4 Multi-agent systems; 3.2 Bioinspired cooperation; 3.2.1 Cooperation in swarm intelligence; 3.2.2 Coordination in chemistry; 3.3 Access control for bioinspired cooperation; 3.3.1 Traditional access control models
3.3.2 Access control models for bioinspired collaboration3.4 Conclusions and future work; References; 4. Immune-based defence and resiliency / Pierre Parrend; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Definitions; 4.3 Core contributions; 4.3.1 Immunity basics; 4.3.2 Complexity aspects of the immune system; 4.3.3 Immune properties of natural organisms; 4.4 Applications; 4.4.1 Immuno-engineering; 4.4.2 Artificial immune systems; 4.4.3 AIS for intrusion detection; 4.4.4 Immune properties of artificial systems; 4.4.5 Limitations and perspectives of AIS applications; 4.5 Conclusions and perspectives; References
5. Bio-inspired approaches for security and resiliency of network traffic / Christopher S. Oehmen and Elena S. Peterson
요약This is a timely review of the fundamentals, the latest developments and the diverse applications of nature-inspired algorithms in cyber security and resiliency. Based on concepts from natural processes, phenomena and organisms, it presents novel methodologies to cope with cyber security challenges.
Computer security.
Computer security.
fault tolerant computing.
security of data.
trusted computing.
기타형태 저록Print version:El-Alfy, El-Sayed M.Nature-Inspired Cyber Security and Resiliency : Fundamentals, Techniques and ApplicationsStevenage : Institution of Engineering & Technology,c20199781785616389


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