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Scale & the Incas /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Hamilton, Andrew James, author.
서명/저자사항Scale & the Incas /Andrew James Hamilton.
발행사항Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2018]
형태사항1 online resource.
소장본 주기Master record variable field(s) change: 050

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기Cover; Title; Copyright; CONTENTS; Acknowledgments; Orthography; CHAPTER ONE On Scale; Scale & World Art; Scale, Scholarship & the a?#x80;#x9C;Western Traditiona?#x80;#x9D;; A Theory of Scale; Scale in the Abstract; Scale in Practice; Scale & Meaning; Andean Scaled Relationships; The Inca Intellectual Tradition; CHAPTER TWO Scale & Material Culture; Architectural Models; Conopas; Camelid Conopas; Vegetable Conopas; Other Conopas; Purucaya Offerings; Other Funerary Offerings; Commensurate-Scale Tools; Commensurate-Scale Camelids; Chutas; CHAPTER THREE Scale & Built Environments; Mountains
Modeling the LandscapeThe a?#x80;#x9C;Golden Gardena?#x80;#x9D; of the Coricancha; Scale & Stonework; Reduced-Scale Mountains; Reduced-Scale Landscapes; The Sayhuite Stone; Teteqaqa; Machu Picchu; CHAPTER FOUR Scale & Inca Worldviews; Constellations; Giants; Dwarfs; Cuzco; The Citua; Other Cuzcos; Hanan & Hurin; The Haucaypata; The Punchao; The Inca Emperor; The Son of the Sun; Royal Tunic; Huauques; The Inca People; Reduced Scale Figures & Textiles; The Capacocha; CHAPTER FIVE Conclusion; Notes to Text; Notes to Plates; Notes to Figures; Bibliography; Index
요약Although questions of form and style are fundamental to art history, the issue of scale has been surprisingly neglected. Yet, scale and scaled relationships are essential to the visual cultures of many societies from around the world, especially in the Andes. In Scale and the Incas, Andrew Hamilton presents a groundbreaking theoretical framework for analyzing scale, and then applies this approach to Inca art, architecture, and belief systems. The Incas were one of humanity's great civilizations, but their lack of a written language has prevented widespread appreciation of their sophisticated intellectual tradition. Expansive in scope, this book examines many famous works of Inca art including Machu Picchu and the Dumbarton Oaks tunic, more enigmatic artifacts like the Sayhuite Stone and Capacocha offerings, and a range of relatively unknown objects in diverse media including fiber, wood, feathers, stone, and metalwork. Ultimately, Hamilton demonstrates how the Incas used scale as an effective mode of expression in their vast multilingual and multiethnic empire. Lavishly illustrated with stunning color plates created by the author, the book's pages depict artifacts alongside scale markers and silhouettes of hands and bodies, allowing readers to gauge scale in multiple ways. The pioneering visual and theoretical arguments of Scale andthe Incas not only rewrite understandings of Inca art, but also provide a benchmark for future studies of scale in art from other cultures.
일반주제명Incas -- South America -- Antiquities.
Proportion -- Antiquities.
Archaeology -- South America.
HISTORY / Latin America / South America.
Incas -- Antiquities.
주제명(지명)South America. -- fast
기타형태 저록Original06911727309780691172736


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