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Face to face with the face : working with the face and the cranial nerves through cranio-sacral integration /

상세 프로파일

개인저자Attlee, Thomas, author.
Orthodontist), Granville, Dr, contributor.
Tarnowski, Wojciech, Dr, contributor.
서명/저자사항Face to face with the face :working with the face and the cranial nerves through cranio-sacral integration /Thomas Attlee.
형태사항1 online resource : illustrations (colour).
소장본 주기eBooks on EBSCOhostAll EBSCO eBooks
ISBN9780857012258 (PDF ebook)
0857012258 (PDF ebook)

내용주기SECTION A: INTRODUCTION. 1. Facial Torment -- and resolution. SECTION B: DENTISTRY AND CRANIO-SACRAL INTEGRATION. 2. Dentistry, Orthodontics and Cranio-Sacral Integration. 3. Distinguishing Dental and Non-Dental Sources. 4. Integration of Dentistry with Cranio-Sacral Therapy. 5. Tooth Anatomy and Development, Dental Terminology, Classifications, Appliances. 6. A Practical Cranio-Sacral Approach to Dental and Jaw Issues. 7. Dentistry and the Cranio-Sacral System by Dr. Granville Langly Smith. 8. Dentistry in the Context of Cranio-Sacral Therapy by Dr. Wojciech Tarnowski. SECTION C: ESSENTIALS OF CRANIO-SACRAL INTEGRATION. 9. Essentials of Cranio-Sacral Integration. 10. Working with the Face -- An Integral Part of the Body. 11. Anatomy of the Face. 12. General Face Contact. SECTION D: THE MOUTH. 13. The Mandible. 14. The Muscles of Mastication. 15. The Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ). 16. The Maxillae. 17. The Palatine Bones. 18. The Vomer. 19. Individual Teeth. SECTION E: THE CRANIAL NERVES. 20. Cranial Nerves -- Introduction. 21. Foramina of the Face and Cranium. 22. Cranial Nerve I -- The Olfactory Nerve. 23. Cranial Nerve II -- The Optic Nerve. 24. Cranial Nerves III, IV, VI -- The Oculo-Motor, Trochlear, and Abducent Nerves. 25. Cranial Nerve V -- The Trigeminal Nerve. 26. Cranial Nerve VII -- The Facial Nerve. 27. Cranial Nerve VII -- The Vestibulo-Cochlear Nerve. 28. Cranial Nerve IX -- The Glosso-Pharyngeal Nerve. 29. Cranial Nerve X -- The Vagus Nerve. 30. Cranial Nerve XI -- The Accessory Nerve (Spinal Accessory Nerve). 31. Cranial Nerve XII -- The Hypoglossal Nerve. 32. Autonomic Nervous System Disturbances in the Face and Head. SECTION F: THE EYES. 33. The Eyes. SECTION G: THE EARS. 34. The Ears. SECTION H: THE NOSE, CHEEKS, SINUSES, ETHMOID. 35. The Nose. 36. The Zygomata. 37. The Sinuses. 38. The Ethmoid. 39. Conclusion.
이용제한사항Owing to Legal Deposit regulations this resource may only be accessed from within National Library of Scotland. For more information contact enquiries@nls.uk.
일반주제명Craniosacral therapy.
Craniosacral therapy.
Massage -- methods.
MEDICAL / Pharmacology
기타형태 저록Print version :9781848192799


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